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Press Releases

Showing: May, 2012

The full Senate has reaffirmed support of traditional marriage with the passage of Senate Resolution 62 by Sen. Clark Jolley on Monday. Jolley said the resolution, which was approved 40 to 4, was in reaction to President Obama’s recent announcement supporting same sex marriage.

“I believe traditional one man, one woman marriage is still the bedrock of our society. While the president’s stated views may have changed, I do not believe it reflects the values of this state,” said Jolley, R-Edmond. “That’s why I authored this resolution.”
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Students from Norman Public Schools Advanced Robotics were recently given some time in the spotlight during a visit to the Oklahoma State Senate. Sen. John Sparks recognized the group for winning its sixth state and regional Botball championship in 2012, for being ranked third in the world in 2011 and 2012, and for competing for its third world title in July 2012.
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Sen. Patrick Anderson announced today that he is requesting an Attorney General’s opinion regarding the constitutionality of the Master Lease Personal Property and Real Property Programs. These programs are used by Oklahoma’s colleges and universities to pay for various projects on their campuses. Anderson is disturbed by the fact that the projects are not voted on by the Oklahoma Legislature or citizens, but instead are typically funded through increased student fees and tuition.
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The full Senate this week advanced two measures to strengthen the Second Amendment rights of Oklahomans. The proposals now await the Governor’s signature.
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The Senate dedicated a painting Tuesday of the famous U.S.S Oklahoma Navy battle ship. The painting was both created and sponsored by Oklahoma artist Greg Burns in cooperation with the U.S.S. Oklahoma Memorial at Pearl Harbor Executive Committee. Committee co-chairs retired Rear Admiral Greg Slavonic, USN, and retired Commander Tucker McHugh, USN attended the event with U.S.S. Oklahoma surviving crewmember Ed Vezey.
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Legislation that would create the Oklahoma Blue Heart Medal of Honor was approved today by the full Senate. The honor would be awarded to members of the military who voluntarily perform a deed of bravery or self-sacrifice during combat occurring after Sept. 11, 2001, resulting in their death.

Sen. Dan Newberry, author of Senate Bill 1814, said the proposal was a gesture of appreciation for our soldiers.
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State Sen. Susan Paddack said a new state law will help speed up the process for upgrading certification for real estate appraisers. Paddack’s legislation, Senate Bill 1493, co-authored by Rep. Todd Thomsen, was signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin on Tuesday. The idea for the legislation came from a constituent who was frustrated with the certification process.
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Two important veterans bills will soon be on their way to the Governor’s desk after the Senate gave them overwhelming approval Tuesday. Sen. Steve Russell authored Senate Bills 1951 and 1905, which address concerns related to military divorces and health care.
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Following recent negative media reports about the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (ODVA), the Senate has announced an interim study to examine oversight of the organization as well as its structure, staff and policies. Sen. Frank Simpson, vice-chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs, requested the interim study saying it was important in order to ensure that veterans receive the highest quality of care.
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Sen. Jim Wilson today said an effort by Sen. Clark Jolley to build a new medical examiner’s facility in his Edmond district has triggered the request of an opinion from the Attorney General, and has clouded the bond rating of every institution of higher education in Oklahoma.
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Legislation aimed at closing legal loopholes in deaths resulting from designer drugs has been signed into law. Senate Bill 987, by Senator Susan Paddack and Rep Tom Newell, expands the definition of murder in the first degree to include deaths resulting from the manufacture or distribution of a synthetic, or “designer drug” as well as the manufacturing of drugs that result in a death, as in a meth lab explosion. Gov. Mary Fallin signed the bill into law on Tuesday.
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Eight legislators from Northeastern Oklahoma have united to voice their opposition to the Grand River Dam Authority Board (GRDA) of Directors’ plans to purchase an office building in Tulsa. The lawmakers have sent a letter to the Board calling the plan “an assault upon and insult to Northeastern Oklahoma.”
State Sen. Sean Burrage said the group is against the GRDA’s planned purchase of a 40,000 square foot office building in Tulsa—a community not served by the electric company.
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For the first time in Oklahoma history, the State Senate has officially become part of the confirmation process for the Judiciary. On Tuesday morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by State Sen. Anthony Sykes, gave recommendations on four judicial nominees for the State Workers’ Compensation Court.

“This change is a part of our ongoing effort to bring important reform to Oklahoma’s workers compensation system,” explained Sykes, R-Moore. “Involving the Senate in the process gives our citizens greater input, and I think that’s an important and positive reform.” read more.

Senate Democratic Leader Sean Burrage said his caucus would not support any bond proposals this legislative session as long as there’s still a push to cut state income taxes.

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Legislation Enhances Oklahoma’s Electronic Blocking Technology,
Meth Offender Registry

Sen. Rick Brinkley, R-Owasso, co-author of House Bill 2941, released the following statement after Wednesday’s House passage of the anti-meth legislation. Principally authored by Rep. David Derby, R-Owasso, HB 2941 implements significant improvements to Oklahoma’s electronic pseudoephedrine (PSE) blocking system and calls for reasonable reductions to the amount of PSE an individual can purchase.

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May is National Lupus Awareness Month and this week, the Senate approved a resolution to help raise awareness of the disease that kills more women each year than breast cancer. Senate Resolution 55, authored by Sen. Constance N. Johnson, recognizes May 3, 2012 as Lupus Advocacy Day at the State Capitol.

“Lupus is a devastating disease that strikes many women in the prime of their lives. It not only impacts women, but their families who have to deal with the complications and consequences of this horrible disease,” said Johnson, D-Oklahoma County.
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Legislation sent to the desk of Governor Mary Fallin on Wednesday by the state Senate would initiate an energy conservation program for state agencies, institutions and assets that would result in hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars being saved. Senate Bill 1096, authored by Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman, creates the Oklahoma State Facilities Energy Conservation Program and directs all state agencies and higher education institutions to achieve an energy efficiency and conservation improvement target of at least 20 percent by the year 2020.

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Construction of a new lodge in Lake Murray State Park will soon be underway following the Governor’s approval of Senate Bill 1913 Tuesday. The legislation by Sen. Frank Simpson and Rep. Pat Ownbey, authorizes the Department of Tourism to use $15 million from the State Park Trust Fund for the construction and maintenance of the new facility.
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State Sen. Jerry Ellis said Tuesday the House of Representatives got it right when they amended a Senate Bill dealing with water policy in Oklahoma. The House voted last Thursday to amend a section of the Senate Bill 1327 dealing with the creation of regional water groups. He’s urging the Senate to accept those changes.
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A measure to help returning veterans use their military training and skills to better qualify for employment is on its way to the Governor’s desk after receiving overwhelming support from both legislative bodies. Senate Bill 1863, by retired Army Lt. Colonel Sen. Steve Russell and Rep. Ann Coody, creates the Post-Military Service Occupation, Education and Credentialing Act.
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