Floor Agenda
1st Regular Session of the 60th Oklahoma Legislature
Senate Floor Agenda
Thursday, March 27th, 2025
Corey Shawn Schoenewe, DO, Broken Arrow, Senator McIntosh
Elizabeth “Lynette” Gunn, APRN GCNS-BC CWCN CFCN, Muskogee, Senator Frix
- SB2 By Green et al of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House
Wind energy facilities; providing setback requirements for wind towers. Emergency.
SB2 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1868)
- SB48 By Rader of the Senate and Caldwell (Chad) of the House
[Income tax; limiting certain capital gains deduction to certain tax years. Effective date.]
- SB54 By Weaver of the Senate and George of the House
Motor vehicles; modifying scope and sentencing provisions for certain offenses. Effective date.
- SB447 By Boren of the Senate and Sterling of the House
[State property; permitting residents to forage for nuts, edible plants and fungi on state owned or state managed property. Effective date.]
SB447 (3-12-25) (BOREN) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1821)
SB447 (3-12-25) (BOREN) RT FA2.PDF
- SB207 By Woods et al of the Senate and West (Josh) et al of the House
[Public health; establishing the Oklahoma Rare Disease Advisory Council; modifying requirements relating to newborn screening program. Effective date. Emergency.]
- SB382 By Bullard of the Senate and Stark of the House
Schools; requiring a child to be toilet trained prior to enrolling in prekindergarten beginning in certain school year. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB448 By Hamilton of the Senate and Grego of the House
Wildlife; requiring nonresident hunters to receive permission from the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to use Wildlife Management Areas. Effective date.
- SB491 By Guthrie of the Senate and Hildebrant of the House
Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; authorizing executive session for discussion of certain sale, lease, or acquisition; limiting parties allowed to participate in executive session for certain purposes. Effective date.
- SB518 By Alvord of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House
Medical marijuana packaging; requiring certain labeling. Effective date.
- SB531 By Seifried of the Senate and Archer of the House
Alcoholic beverages; modifying requirements for information to be submitted to the ABLE Commission; modifying grounds for refusal of certain licenses; modifying persons prohibited from taking certain action. Effective date.
- SB912 By Rosino et al of the Senate and Archer of the House
[Oklahoma Space Industry Development Act; modifying number of members of the Oklahoma Aerospace and Aeronautics Commission; providing for certain Commission to become Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority. Effective date.]
- SB562 By Alvord of the Senate and Miller et al of the House
Bus Passenger Safety Act; modifying scope of unlawful acts. Emergency.
- SB599 By Hamilton et al of the Senate and Turner of the House
Crimes and punishments; modifying requirements for imposition of certain punishments for child sexual abuse. Effective date.
SB599 (3-25-25) (HAMILTON) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1967)
- SB626 By Howard of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House
Security Breach Notification Act; requiring notice of security breach of certain information; modifying provisions. Effective date.
SB626 (3-24-25) (HOWARD) FA1.PDF
- SB641 By Paxton of the Senate and Tedford of the House
Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act; construing provisions; updating statutory reference. Effective date.
SB641 (3-26-25) (PAXTON) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1968)
- SB743 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Lawson of the House
[Crimes and punishments; modifying penalty provisions for certain offenses related to solicitation of prostitution. Effective date.]
SB743 (3-25-25) (GOLLIHARE) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1873)
SB743 (3-25-25) (GOLLIHARE) RT FA2.PDF
- SB244 By Daniels et al of the Senate and Lepak of the House
[Higher education; establishing the School of American Civic Thought and Leadership at the University of Oklahoma; providing purpose. Effective date. Emergency.]
SB244 (3-26-25) (DANIELS) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1833)
- SB745 By Gillespie of the Senate and Moore of the House
Schools; extending age for high school completion. Effective date. Emergency.
SB745 (3-10-25) (GILLESPIE) FA1.PDF
- SB747 By Reinhardt of the Senate and Harris of the House
Oklahoma Discovery Code; establishing grounds for good cause to issue protective order to prevent deposition of certain officers; authorizing limitation on scope of certain depositions. Effective date.
- SB751 By Stewart of the Senate and Miller of the House
Architects; modifying certain construction value. Effective date.
- SB758 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Moore et al of the House
Schools; providing conditions under which virtual instruction may count toward certain required instructional hours or days.
SB758 (3-24-25) (THOMPSON) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1883)
- SB760 By Prieto of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House
Higher education; providing exemption for certain organizations and institutions. Emergency.
- SB789 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Stinson et al of the House
Pharmacy benefit managers; permitting use of certain records without limitations of date or source for certain purposes; establishing certain reimbursement rates for certain drugs. Effective date.
- SB796 By Pugh of the Senate and CrosswhiteHader of the House
Higher education; prohibiting certain activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB797 By Pugh of the Senate and Kerbs of the House
State Board of Education; authorizing certain action; requiring notice. Effective date. Emergency.
SB797 (3-17-25) (PUGH) FA1.PDF
SB797 (3-24-25) (PUGH) FA2.PDF
- SB840 By Hicks of the Senate and Moore of the House
Teachers; establishing certain micro-credential. Effective date. Emergency.
SB840 (2-25-25) (HICKS) FA1.PDF
- SB870 By Rader of the Senate and Williams et al of the House
Oklahoma Children's Code; creating the Accountability, Transparency, and Protection for Exploited Youth Act. Effective date.
- SB877 By Bullard of the Senate and Maynard of the House
Deed regulation; creating a criminal penalty; requiring certain continuing education course; requiring certain notification to buyer. Effective date.
SB877 (3-11-25) (BULLARD) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1823)
- SB898 By Pugh of the Senate and Gise of the House
[Construction by political subdivisions; removing requirement for certain bidders to provide written statement under oath. Emergency.]
- SB529 By Sacchieri of the Senate and Boles of the House
Used motor vehicles; authorizing Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle, Dismantler, and Manufactured Housing Commission to regulate used powersports vehicle dealers. Effective date.
SB529 (3-26-25) (SACCHIERI) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1970)
- SB925 By Hamilton et al of the Senate and Osburn of the House
Frauds; creating a criminal penalty and providing for certain imprisonment or fine; providing for certain judicial process. Effective date.
SB925 (3-25-25) (HAMILTON) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1851)
- SB970 By Weaver of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House
Child custody; requiring notice to custodial parent of in-patient treatment of noncustodial parent. Effective date.
- SB990 By Coleman of the Senate and Luttrell of the House
[Recall elections; authorizing Legislature to propose recall of state officer; establishing procedures for legislative approval for recall election; providing procedures for certain recall election. Effective date.]
- SB998 By Green et al of the Senate and Caldwell (Trey) of the House
Corporation Commission; modifying provisions relating to natural gas generation; requiring Commission to undergo certain prudence reviews; modifying rate proceeding process. Effective date. Emergency.
SB998 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1886)
- SB1028 By Alvord of the Senate and Miller of the House
Notaries public; requiring national criminal history record check for notary commission applicants; increasing certain fees. Effective date.
SB1028 (3-12-25) (ALVORD) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1849)
- SB1046 By Coleman of the Senate and Lawson of the House
[Alcoholic beverages; establishing certain limits for licensure. Effective date.]
- SB1050 By Seifried of the Senate and Newton et al of the House
Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act; decreasing allowable time to file certain claim. Effective date.
SB1050 (3-24-25) (SEIFRIED) FA1.PDF
- SB1066 By Grellner of the Senate and Newton of the House
Medical marijuana; requiring creation and maintenance of certain registry; providing certain requirements for listing on registry. Emergency.
- SB1074 By Murdock et al of the Senate and Strom et al of the House
Oklahoma Farmed Cervidae Act; creating a commercial harvesting facility license. Effective date. Emergency.
- SB1083 By Weaver of the Senate and Lepak of the House
[Digital assets; authorizing the Banking Department to license the use of digital asset kiosks. Effective date.]
SB1083 (3-26-25) (WEAVER) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1965)
- SB1086 By Gollihare of the Senate and Newton of the House
Voter registration; requiring cancellation of voter registration under certain circumstances; requiring proof of citizenship for certain purposes; modifying access to certain list. Effective date.
- SB1101 By Coleman of the Senate and Tedford of the House
Dental insurance; mandating reports by carrier; requiring certain data to be included in initial report. Effective date.
- SB1102 By Coleman et al of the Senate and Roe of the House
Vapor products; modifying requirements for certain attestation; requiring certain notice and directing seizure of certain products. Emergency.
SB1102 (3-11-25) (COLEMAN) FA1.PDF
- SB1112 By Rader of the Senate and Bashore of the House
Lodging tax; excluding discounted or comped rooms or lodging from gross receipts upon which a lodging tax is levied. Effective date.
- SB1118 By Howard of the Senate and Duel of the House
Judicial retirement; mandating retirement of certain judicial officers upon certain age; authorizing completion of certain term. Effective date.
- SB628 By Gillespie of the Senate and Hildebrant of the House
Firearms; modifying provisions related to unlawful carry. Effective date.
- SB871 By Reinhardt of the Senate and George of the House
Crimes and punishments; required service of minimum percentage of sentence; modifying statutory references to certain criminal offenses. Effective date.
- SB171 By Kirt et al of the Senate and Hilbert of the House
[State Capitol building; modernizing provisions relating to State Capitol Building, Capitol Grounds, and Governor's Mansion maintenance. Emergency.]
SB171 (2-26-25) (KIRT) RT FA1.PDF
- SB777 By Jett of the Senate and West (Rick) of the House
[Wildlife; allowing certain harvesting of fish and aquatic species. Effective date.]
SB777 (3-13-25) (JETT) FS FA1.PDF (Req. 1804)
SB777 (3-13-25) (JETT) RT FA2.PDF
SB777 (3-24-25) (JETT) FA3.PDF
- SB76 By Daniels of the Senate and Worthen of the House
Parole; authorizing parole revocation by certain entity. Effective date.
- SB741 By Gollihare of the Senate and Roe of the House
[Practice of pharmacy; allowing pharmacist to test for and initiate drug therapy for certain minor, nonchronic health conditions. Effective date.]