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Floor Agenda

1st Regular Session of the 60th Oklahoma Legislature

Senate Floor Agenda

Thursday, March 27th, 2025




Corey Shawn Schoenewe, DO, Broken Arrow, Senator McIntosh



Elizabeth “Lynette” Gunn, APRN GCNS-BC CWCN CFCN, Muskogee, Senator Frix





  1. SB2 By Green et al of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House

Wind energy facilities; providing setback requirements for wind towers. Emergency.


            SB2 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1868)


            SB2 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB48 By Rader of the Senate and Caldwell (Chad) of the House

[Income tax; limiting certain capital gains deduction to certain tax years. Effective date.]


            SB48 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB54 By Weaver of the Senate and George of the House

Motor vehicles; modifying scope and sentencing provisions for certain offenses. Effective date.


            SB54 CS FI.PDF


            SB54 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB447 By Boren of the Senate and Sterling of the House

[State property; permitting residents to forage for nuts, edible plants and fungi on state owned or state managed property. Effective date.]


            SB447 (3-12-25) (BOREN) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1821)


            SB447 (3-12-25) (BOREN) RT FA2.PDF



  1. SB207 By Woods et al of the Senate and West (Josh) et al of the House

[Public health; establishing the Oklahoma Rare Disease Advisory Council; modifying requirements relating to newborn screening program. Effective date. Emergency.]


            SB207 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB382 By Bullard of the Senate and Stark of the House

Schools; requiring a child to be toilet trained prior to enrolling in prekindergarten beginning in certain school year. Effective date. Emergency.


  1. SB448 By Hamilton of the Senate and Grego of the House

Wildlife; requiring nonresident hunters to receive permission from the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to use Wildlife Management Areas. Effective date.


            SB448 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB491 By Guthrie of the Senate and Hildebrant of the House

Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; authorizing executive session for discussion of certain sale, lease, or acquisition; limiting parties allowed to participate in executive session for certain purposes. Effective date.


  1. SB518 By Alvord of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House

Medical marijuana packaging; requiring certain labeling. Effective date.


  1. SB531 By Seifried of the Senate and Archer of the House

Alcoholic beverages; modifying requirements for information to be submitted to the ABLE Commission; modifying grounds for refusal of certain licenses; modifying persons prohibited from taking certain action. Effective date.


  1. SB912 By Rosino et al of the Senate and Archer of the House

[Oklahoma Space Industry Development Act; modifying number of members of the Oklahoma Aerospace and Aeronautics Commission; providing for certain Commission to become Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority. Effective date.]


  1. SB562 By Alvord of the Senate and Miller et al of the House

Bus Passenger Safety Act; modifying scope of unlawful acts. Emergency.


  1. SB599 By Hamilton et al of the Senate and Turner of the House

Crimes and punishments; modifying requirements for imposition of certain punishments for child sexual abuse. Effective date.


            SB599 (3-25-25) (HAMILTON) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1967)


  1. SB626 By Howard of the Senate and Pfeiffer of the House

Security Breach Notification Act; requiring notice of security breach of certain information; modifying provisions. Effective date.


            SB626 (3-24-25) (HOWARD) FA1.PDF


            SB626 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB641 By Paxton of the Senate and Tedford of the House

Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act; construing provisions; updating statutory reference. Effective date.


            SB641 (3-26-25) (PAXTON) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1968)


  1. SB743 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Lawson of the House

[Crimes and punishments; modifying penalty provisions for certain offenses related to solicitation of prostitution. Effective date.]


            SB743 (3-25-25) (GOLLIHARE) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1873)


            SB743 (3-25-25) (GOLLIHARE) RT FA2.PDF


  1. SB244 By Daniels et al of the Senate and Lepak of the House

[Higher education; establishing the School of American Civic Thought and Leadership at the University of Oklahoma; providing purpose. Effective date. Emergency.]


            SB244 (3-26-25) (DANIELS) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1833)


            SB244 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB745 By Gillespie of the Senate and Moore of the House

Schools; extending age for high school completion. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB745 (3-10-25) (GILLESPIE) FA1.PDF


            SB745 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB747 By Reinhardt of the Senate and Harris of the House

Oklahoma Discovery Code; establishing grounds for good cause to issue protective order to prevent deposition of certain officers; authorizing limitation on scope of certain depositions. Effective date.


  1. SB751 By Stewart of the Senate and Miller of the House

Architects; modifying certain construction value. Effective date.


  1. SB758 By Thompson et al of the Senate and Moore et al of the House

Schools; providing conditions under which virtual instruction may count toward certain required instructional hours or days.


            SB758 (3-24-25) (THOMPSON) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1883)


  1. SB760 By Prieto of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House

Higher education; providing exemption for certain organizations and institutions. Emergency.


  1. SB789 By Gollihare et al of the Senate and Stinson et al of the House

Pharmacy benefit managers; permitting use of certain records without limitations of date or source for certain purposes; establishing certain reimbursement rates for certain drugs. Effective date.


  1. SB796 By Pugh of the Senate and CrosswhiteHader of the House

Higher education; prohibiting certain activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB796 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB797 By Pugh of the Senate and Kerbs of the House

State Board of Education; authorizing certain action; requiring notice. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB797 (3-17-25) (PUGH) FA1.PDF


            SB797 (3-24-25) (PUGH) FA2.PDF


  1. SB840 By Hicks of the Senate and Moore of the House

Teachers; establishing certain micro-credential. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB840 (2-25-25) (HICKS) FA1.PDF


            SB840 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB870 By Rader of the Senate and Williams et al of the House

Oklahoma Children's Code; creating the Accountability, Transparency, and Protection for Exploited Youth Act. Effective date.


  1. SB877 By Bullard of the Senate and Maynard of the House

Deed regulation; creating a criminal penalty; requiring certain continuing education course; requiring certain notification to buyer. Effective date.


            SB877 (3-11-25) (BULLARD) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1823)


  1. SB898 By Pugh of the Senate and Gise of the House

[Construction by political subdivisions; removing requirement for certain bidders to provide written statement under oath. Emergency.]


  1. SB529 By Sacchieri of the Senate and Boles of the House

Used motor vehicles; authorizing Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle, Dismantler, and Manufactured Housing Commission to regulate used powersports vehicle dealers. Effective date.


            SB529 (3-26-25) (SACCHIERI) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1970)


  1. SB925 By Hamilton et al of the Senate and Osburn of the House

Frauds; creating a criminal penalty and providing for certain imprisonment or fine; providing for certain judicial process. Effective date.


            SB925 (3-25-25) (HAMILTON) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1851)


  1. SB970 By Weaver of the Senate and West (Kevin) of the House

Child custody; requiring notice to custodial parent of in-patient treatment of noncustodial parent. Effective date.


  1. SB990 By Coleman of the Senate and Luttrell of the House

[Recall elections; authorizing Legislature to propose recall of state officer; establishing procedures for legislative approval for recall election; providing procedures for certain recall election. Effective date.]


  1. SB998 By Green et al of the Senate and Caldwell (Trey) of the House

Corporation Commission; modifying provisions relating to natural gas generation; requiring Commission to undergo certain prudence reviews; modifying rate proceeding process. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB998 (3-24-25) (GREEN) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1886)


            SB998 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB1028 By Alvord of the Senate and Miller of the House

Notaries public; requiring national criminal history record check for notary commission applicants; increasing certain fees. Effective date.


            SB1028 (3-12-25) (ALVORD) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1849)


  1. SB1046 By Coleman of the Senate and Lawson of the House

[Alcoholic beverages; establishing certain limits for licensure. Effective date.]




  1. SB1050 By Seifried of the Senate and Newton et al of the House

Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act; decreasing allowable time to file certain claim. Effective date.


            SB1050 (3-24-25) (SEIFRIED) FA1.PDF


  1. SB1066 By Grellner of the Senate and Newton of the House

Medical marijuana; requiring creation and maintenance of certain registry; providing certain requirements for listing on registry. Emergency.


  1. SB1074 By Murdock et al of the Senate and Strom et al of the House

Oklahoma Farmed Cervidae Act; creating a commercial harvesting facility license. Effective date. Emergency.


            SB1074 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB1083 By Weaver of the Senate and Lepak of the House

[Digital assets; authorizing the Banking Department to license the use of digital asset kiosks. Effective date.]


            SB1083 (3-26-25) (WEAVER) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1965)


            SB1083 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB1086 By Gollihare of the Senate and Newton of the House

Voter registration; requiring cancellation of voter registration under certain circumstances; requiring proof of citizenship for certain purposes; modifying access to certain list. Effective date.


  1. SB1101 By Coleman of the Senate and Tedford of the House

Dental insurance; mandating reports by carrier; requiring certain data to be included in initial report. Effective date.


  1. SB1102 By Coleman et al of the Senate and Roe of the House

Vapor products; modifying requirements for certain attestation; requiring certain notice and directing seizure of certain products. Emergency.


            SB1102 (3-11-25) (COLEMAN) FA1.PDF


  1. SB1112 By Rader of the Senate and Bashore of the House

Lodging tax; excluding discounted or comped rooms or lodging from gross receipts upon which a lodging tax is levied. Effective date.


            SB1112 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB1118 By Howard of the Senate and Duel of the House

Judicial retirement; mandating retirement of certain judicial officers upon certain age; authorizing completion of certain term. Effective date.


  1. SB628 By Gillespie of the Senate and Hildebrant of the House

Firearms; modifying provisions related to unlawful carry. Effective date.


  1. SB871 By Reinhardt of the Senate and George of the House

Crimes and punishments; required service of minimum percentage of sentence; modifying statutory references to certain criminal offenses. Effective date.


            SB871 CS FI.PDF


            SB871 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB171 By Kirt et al of the Senate and Hilbert of the House

[State Capitol building; modernizing provisions relating to State Capitol Building, Capitol Grounds, and Governor's Mansion maintenance. Emergency.]


            SB171 (2-26-25) (KIRT) RT FA1.PDF


            SB171 INT FI.PDF


  1. SB777 By Jett of the Senate and West (Rick) of the House

[Wildlife; allowing certain harvesting of fish and aquatic species. Effective date.]


            SB777 (3-13-25) (JETT) FS FA1.PDF  (Req. 1804)


            SB777 (3-13-25) (JETT) RT FA2.PDF


            SB777 (3-24-25) (JETT) FA3.PDF


  1. SB76 By Daniels of the Senate and Worthen of the House

Parole; authorizing parole revocation by certain entity. Effective date.


  1. SB741 By Gollihare of the Senate and Roe of the House

[Practice of pharmacy; allowing pharmacist to test for and initiate drug therapy for certain minor, nonchronic health conditions. Effective date.]