
Americans with Disabilities Act Information
To access our accessibility optimized website, please click on the button below.
Staff Information
Amy Coulter
Director of Administration
Phone: 405.521.5627
- Reserved parking, for those with a valid Physical Disability Parking Placard, is located on the south side of the Capitol Building in front of the main entrance.
- A limited number of disability parking spaces are located on the west side entrance to the Capitol Building.
Wheelchair Accessible Entrances

Wheelchair available upon request. Please contact the ADA Coordinator.
Hearing-Impaired Services
- Oklahoma Relay Service – is a statewide service that connects standard (voice) telephone users with deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, speech-disabled, or late-deafened people who use text telephones (TTYs) or voice carry-over (VCO) phones. Any legislative phone number can be reached by dialing (800) 522-8506.
- Interpreters – The Senate will arrange for an interpreter. Please allow 48 hours notice when requesting an interpreter. Please contact the ADA Coordinator.
Seeing-Impaired Services
- Signage – Senate offices and conference rooms use signs that include braille numerals.
- Elevators – The Capitol Building elevators are equipped with audio floor notification as well as braille numerals.
- Documents in Large Print – The Senate Bill Distribution office, located on the 3rd floor of the Capitol in room 312 will make large print documents available upon request. Please contact the ADA Coordinator for assistance.
Grievance Information
- This Grievance Procedure is offered to anyone who wishes to file a disability related complaint or request relating to programs, services, or activities, offered by the Oklahoma State Senate. Please include all requested information as completely as possible to process your request. Thank you.
Adult Changing Facilities
- The family restroom on the ground floor of the state Capitol building has an adult changing table. The state Capitol building family restroom on the ground floor is near the other ground floor restrooms, directly across from the south visitor entrance, The Guardian statue, and next to the Capitol Visitor Center. For any operational issues, please contact Facilities Management with the Office of Management and Enterprise Services for the state Capitol at 405-521-2101.