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Press Releases

Showing: April, 2008

The state Senate on Wednesday approved legislation that would close a loophole in the state’s Sex Offender Registration Act. House Bill 2783 would require the Department of Corrections to conduct risk assessments of sex offenders who move into the state of Oklahoma.

Sen. Kenneth Corn, Senate author of the measure, said the legislation was prompted by instances in which sex offenders had moved into the state, yet were not held to the requirements of Oklahoma’s Sex Offender Registration Act.

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A majority of the Senate shot down an attempt by state Sen. Bill Brown to make Oklahoma's lakes safer on Tuesday. Brown said he was extremely disappointed in his colleagues for putting recreation before safety.
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The full Senate has given approval to a measure known as the “Scum of the Earth Bill.” Sen. Debbe Leftwich is Senate author of House Bill 1897 which strengthens penalties for assaulting a pregnant woman.

“The number one cause of death for pregnant women is domestic violence,” said Leftwich, D-Oklahoma City. “Here in Oklahoma, more than 3,000 pregnant women are attacked every year, and usually the attacker is the father of the baby, often with the intent of causing the mother to miscarry. It is a heinous crime, and the men who do this deserve stronger punishment.”
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Appropriately timed to coincide with the celebration of Earth Day, a bill by State Senator Susan Paddack and State Rep. Wes Hilliard that enhances the future of the state’s water supply has been signed into law by Governor Brad Henry. Senate Bill 1410 passed both the Senate and the House with overwhelmingly bi-partisan support and is amongst the first bills signed into law this legislative session.

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Oklahoma has an official state folk song, a country and western song, and of course an official state song. What it doesn’t have is an official rock and roll song. But a vote in the Senate has brought the state one step closer to choosing one. Sen. John Ford is Senate author of House Concurrent Resolution 1047 which was approved unanimously by the full Senate on Tuesday. The measure has already been approved by the House of Representatives.
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Tuesday the State House of Representatives passed Senate Joint Resolution 38 by Co-President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee that creates a constitutional amendment protecting the inherent right of Oklahoma citizens to hunt and fish. Rep. Randy Terrill, R-Moore, is the bill’s House author.

If approved by a vote of the people, the resolution will add a new section to the State Constitution giving all Oklahomans the right to hunt, trap, fish, and take game and fish. The legislation would not allow state laws to prohibit anyone from engaging in such activities.

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State Sen. Randy Brogdon, who authored the amendment to send a term limits proposal to a vote of the people, commented on criticism of the proposal by Attorney General Drew Edmondson.

“Contrary to claims made by the attorney general, it is not the intent nor is it the effect of the amendment to SB 1987 to retroactively apply term limits to current officeholders.

“Furthermore, General Edmondson’s stated practice is to avoid commenting on pending legislation. It is very disappointing that in this case he is deviating from his usual practice,” stated Brogdon, R-Owasso.

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In October of 2007, Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry commissioned a study on the development of a statewide emergency communications plan from L. Robert Kimball and Associates Architects and Engineers. On Monday, Sen. Kenneth Corn said the findings of the recently released study reaffirm the need for the state to implement an interoperable statewide communications system.

Corn said such a system would allow emergency personnel from various agencies to communicate efficiently in times of crisis. Currently, agencies use independent systems that cannot interoperate with each other.

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“Rising Up to Be the Best” is the theme of the 2008 Oklahoma Women’s Summit. The annual event provides a forum for business, community and state leaders to discuss issues impacting women in Oklahoma with a goal of stimulating changes in policy and creating initiatives to help women throughout the state. The summit is co-sponsored by Gov. Brad Henry and the Oklahoma Commission on the Status of Women and will be held at the State Capitol on Friday, April 25.

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A news release about the cost of requiring insurance to provide an autism benefit fails to tell “the rest of the story,” according to the sponsor of “Nick’s Law.”

Senator Jay Paul Gumm, a Democrat from Durant, wrote “Nick’s Law.” The bill would require health insurance policies to cover diagnosis and treatment of autism, a bio-neurological disorder striking one out of ever 150 children.

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Oklahoma State Senate Co-President Pro Tempore Glenn Coffee responded to the 28-2 vote by NBA owners Friday approving the relocation of the Seattle SuperSonics professional basketball franchise to Oklahoma City.

“Oklahomans already knew we were ready to become the permanent home for a big league sports franchise, and today’s decision by NBA owners shows that they agree. This is a proud and exciting day for the entire State of Oklahoma, and is evidence that when Oklahomans work together we can make great things happen,” Coffee said.

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Saying there is more than one way to achieve fairness for Oklahoma cancer patients, State Senator Andrew Rice, D-OKC, successfully amended a House insurance bill in the State Senate today with language from his bill known as "Steffanie's Law".

Rice, who co-authored the original legislation named for Steffanie Collings, a young woman from Noble who passed away last month, added key provisions of "Steffanie's Law" to HB 3115 when it came to a vote in the Senate. The amended bill passed the Senate by a margin of 26-21.

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The State Senate voted overwhelmingly Thursday to override Gov. Brad Henry’s veto of Senate Bill 1878, a bipartisan pro-life bill, by a vote of 37-11. Thirty-two votes were required to override the veto in the Senate. The House of Representatives voted 81-15 to join the Senate in overriding the veto.

It is the first gubernatorial veto overridden by the State Legislature since the administration of former Gov. David Walters.

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The state Senate on Wednesday honored the life and contributions of late state Senator Gideon Graham. Graham was first elected to the Senate in 1911 and again in 1918. He served as Chair of the Senate Game and Fish Committee and later in 1930 was appointed Educational Director of the Oklahoma Game and Fish Commission.

Graham was instrumental in drafting many of Oklahoma’s game laws, and has been recognized as the state’s leading wildlife conservationist. Graham passed away February 10, 1950.

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On Thursday, Senator Patrick Anderson, R-Enid, provided Senators with cost estimates he received from OSEEGIB (Oklahoma State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board) for an autism insurance mandate proposal and a proposal that has been referred to as the “Patients Bill of Rights.”

These estimates prepared by OSEEGIB, which manages the State’s health insurance plan which covers State employees and retirees, shows that the bills could have a “catastrophic” impact on the state budget.

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The State Senate gave unanimous approval Wednesday to a measure to establish the Oklahoma School for the Deaf regional service center on the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) campus in Chickasha. House Bill 1546 is authored by Chickasha Republicans Sen. Ron Justice and Rep. Susan Winchester.

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The co-president pro tempore of the Oklahoma State Senate praised Thursday’s passage by the House of Representatives of legislation to tweak the Quality Jobs Act to encourage the National Basketball Association to move a professional basketball team to Oklahoma.

The State Senate passed the bill Tuesday. The bill now goes to Gov. Brad Henry, who is expected to sign the legislation.

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Sen. Kenneth Corn on Thursday said one of Oklahoma’s greatest impediments to economic growth is a lack of college graduates. Under his proposal to provide qualifying high school graduates with two years of tuition at Oklahoma colleges and Universities, Corn said the state could make significant progress in building a more educated workforce.

Corn on Thursday successfully amended House Bill 2446, which modifies certain eligibility requirements for the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program (OHLAP), to include his proposal.

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The State Senate’s author of a an omnibus pro-life bill that overwhelmingly passed the State Senate and House of Representatives urged Gov. Brad Henry to sign the bill before tonight’s midnight deadline for gubernatorial action on the bill.

“I strongly encourage Gov. Henry to join the Oklahoma Legislature in taking a stand for the rights of the unborn and for the sanctity of life by signing this bill before tonight’s deadline,” said Sen. Todd Lamb, R-Edmond, author of Senate Bill 1878.

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Endowed chairs help bring some of the most brilliant minds in higher education to Oklahoma college campuses, but for years the private donations have far outpaced the state matching dollars needed to fund those positions. That could change, thanks to a measure by Sen. Kenneth Corn.

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