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Press Releases

Showing: June, 2006

State Capitol, Oklahoma City – The public’s safety will be put in jeopardy if Senate leader Mike Morgan and the Senate Democrats shut down the state government because of their refusal to compromise with Democrat Governor Brad Henry and Republican House Speaker Todd Hiett in budget negotiations.

“The public’s safety will be put at risk if Sen. Morgan and Senate Democrats continue their obstruction and shut down the state government in 18 days,” stated Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee, R-Oklahoma City.

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Assistant Majority Leader State Sen. Gilmer Capps said Oklahoma's aerospace industry took a major step forward Tuesday with the approval of an operator's license for the Oklahoma Spaceport in Burns Flat.

It creates the first inland spaceport in the nation and allows the Oklahoma Spaceport/Clinton-Sherman Airport to serve as a site for the launch and recovery of sub-orbital reusable space vehicles.

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Just 19 days remain until obstruction by Senate Democrats leads to a shut down of state government, the Senates GOP leader said Monday. And, a Democrat state senators statement at a candidate forum last week is the latest evidence that Senate Democrats may have been planning to force a government shutdown all along.
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Governor Brad Henry this week signed a measure to strengthen Oklahoma’s teacher and public employee retirement systems.

Sen. Mike Mazzei, author of Senate Bill 1894, said the reforms contained in the measure would not only strengthen public retirement systems, but eventually save the state millions of dollars and improve Oklahoma’s bond rating, allowing for better financing of capital improvement projects.

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A Democratic senator's session-long battle to ensure that repeat child molesters face the death penalty ended in victory today as Gov. Brad Henry signed Senate Bill 1800 into law.

Senator Jay Paul Gumm originally introduced a bill to impose the death

penalty on those predators who have proven they will continue to prey on Oklahoma's children.

"This bill will stop them, and send a powerful message that in Oklahoma, we will protect our children with the most severe punishment we have."

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Statement by Senate Appropriations Chairman Johnnie Crutchfield

“It is irresponsible of our friends in the minority to stoop to fear tactics when discussing budget negotiations. Because they have never had to write a budget and don’t have a clear grasp on governing I am not surprised at all by their behavior. Sadly their irresponsible grandstanding does nothing to help the people of Oklahoma. read more.

Senate Democrats’ obstruction of tax cuts, budget continues

(State Capitol, Oklahoma City) – With Senate Democrat leaders continuing their obstruction of tax cuts and the state budget, a Republican leader in the Oklahoma State Senate said the Legislature should pass a stand-still budget as insurance against a government shutdown.

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Governor Brad Henry on Wednesday signed a measure modifying requirements for applicants to the Small Employer Quality Jobs Act, including a provision that would require applicants in low-income areas to pay employees 100 percent of the average county wage.

Rep. R.C. Pruett, House author of House Bill 2628, said the wage requirement depends upon unemployment and income statistics.
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Statement by Senate President Pro Tem Mike Morgan

“Throughout the regular session and especially in the last two weeks I have tried very hard to be respectful of this process. It’s seldom productive to attempt to negotiate a budget in the media.
“My counterpart in the House has repeatedly breached good faith in an attempt to gain favor with the voters. He remains, as he has been all session, focused entirely on the next election.
“My focus remains on the next generation but I want today to explain to you exactly where we are. read more.

Statement by Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan

“It is the responsibility of Governor Henry to set the agenda for special session, not the Legislature.

“The Governor made it very clear when he issued the call for special session that he wants the Legislature to focus our efforts on writing a state budget.

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