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Press Releases

Showing: March, 2006

State Senator Debbe Leftwich, chair of the Business and Labor Committee wants to update one of Oklahoma’s estate tax law to include collateral heirs.

On Tuesday, the full Senate approved SB 1391 which Leftwich, (D-Oklahoma City) authored. It would modify the current law and allows collateral heirs to have the same exemptions that lineal heirs have.

Under current law, lineal heirs have an exemption of up to $1 million on estate taxes, but there is no exemption for collateral heirs.

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A bill to ensure school-age victims of violence have a greater say in limiting contact with their attacker is headed to the full Senate for consideration. Sen. Charlie Laster is author of SB 1597 which has now won approval from the full Senate.
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State Senators voted Wednesday to raise the annual operational grants for Oklahoma’s 874 rural fire departments to $5,000. Senate Bill 1735 by Senators Jeff Rabon and Frank Shurden on a 46-0 vote

“Rural firefighters have been nothing short of heroic as they’ve battled the wildfires that have ravaged our state for the last four months. By increasing the operational grants, we are giving our rural fire departments additional resources that will allow them to be better equipped should the devastation we’ve faced this year repeat itself in the future,” Rabon said.
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Legislation by Sen. Jonathan Nichols would create a “Zone of Safety” around the children who attend daycare centers in Oklahoma, making it illegal for sexual predators to live within 2,000 feet of a licensed daycare facility. Senate Bill 1708, by Nichols, R-Norman, passed unanimously in the Senate on Wednesday.

“This bill will provide additional protection for our children when we drop them off at daycare centers in the morning,” said Nichols. “We need to make sure that these predators can’t live near these facilities or be around these facilities.”

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The full Senate has given overwhelming approval to a bill to curb the increasing flow of illegal immigrants into Oklahoma. State Sen. Kenneth Corn, said because the federal government has failed to adequately address the problem, Oklahomans have turned to the State Legislature for help.
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SB 1030 would build 800 MHZ Statewide Emergency Communication System

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The Senate on Wednesday chose the Mexican free-tailed bat an unusual bat with a migratory pattern that has become in a huge tourist attraction for one Oklahoma state park as the official state flying mammal of Oklahoma.

This is really a tourism bill, said Sen. Owen Laughlin, R-Woodward, author of Senate Bill 1678, which recognizes the Mexican free-tailed bat, also known as Tadarida brasiliensis, as the states flying mammal. The Selman Bat Cave out by Alabaster Caverns State Park is a great tourist attraction.

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An original painting depicting the first president of the University of Oklahoma was unveiled in the Oklahoma State Senate today. Painted by Norman artist Mike Wimmer and sponsored by OU President David Boren, his wife, Molly Shi Boren, and Senator Cal Hobson, the original artwork portrays David Ross Boyd planting one of the first trees on the university campus.
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SB 1747 Could Be Signed into Law in Matter of Days

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Family Comes to Capitol to Support SB 1037

With the family of Caitlin Wooten sitting in the Senate gallery this morning, the Senate unanimously approved The Caitlin Wooten Act with bi-partisan support. The author of Senate Bill 1037, Senator Susan Paddack, said with the bills approval by the Senate, it now awaits action in the House of Representatives.
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Senator Debbe Leftwich, chair of the Business and Labor Committee says Oklahoma residents should have the opportunity to decide on what type of county government they believe will help move Oklahoma forward.

Leftwich, (D-Oklahoma City), expressed frustration Monday that her amendment concerning county home rule government hit a roadblock in the legislative process when a procedural motion failed to receive enough votes to allow an up-or-down vote on the measure by the full Senate.
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A bill that will bring greater financial responsibility and accountability to state government won the approval of the full Senate today.

The Senate author, Senator Kenneth Corn, said Senate Bill 1341 requires independent performance audits of state agencies to determine if the agencies are adequately carrying out the mission they have been assigned by the Legislature.
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Senate Approves Sales Tax Holiday
Education Tax Credit, Retirement Income Tax Exemption Sent to House

A measure creating a back-to-school sales tax holiday passed off the Senate floor Tuesday and is headed for the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

Senate Bill 1665 by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Jay Paul Gumm was approved by a 42-5 vote. The measure is part of the Senate Democrats “Agenda to Empower the Middle Class” and is supported by Governor Brad Henry.
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- Senate Democrat leaders refuse to allow debate and a vote on GOP amendment for real lawsuit reform

By a 21-25 vote Monday, a watered-down tort bill authored by the State Senate’s Democrat leadership was defeated by a bipartisan majority.

All 21 Republican senators present, joined by 4 Democrat senators, voted against the watered-down measure, Senate Bill 1874.

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SB 2047 Will Allow Small Businesses in Rural Oklahoma to Upgrade Employee Skills

A bill that will strengthen small businesses across Oklahoma through greater access to training dollars to upgrade the skills of existing workers won the approval of the full Senate today. Senate Bill 2047, by State Senator Debbe Leftwich will allow the Department of Commerce to utilize $20 million from the read more.

Senator Susan Paddack, a Democrat from Ada, said she is pleased a measure that will enhance the accountability in Oklahoma classrooms won the approval of the full Senate today.

“If we want Oklahoma to be even more successful, we must offer our children the best education possible,” Paddack said. “And that means making Oklahoma classrooms more accountable through end of instruction testing and through additional support for students to achieve their maximum potential.”

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Pole Road will continue to serve as an entrance to Crossroads Mall from Interstate 240 in South Oklahoma City, transportation officials have informed Sen. Debbe Leftwich, who fought to keep the Pole Road exit open when a new highway interchange design threatened to make shoppers drive a mile out of their way.

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The full Senate has given its approval to legislation targeting drug runners who bring meth into Oklahoma from super labs in Mexico. Senate Bill 1713, by Sen. Charles Wyrick, could land major importers behind bars for life.

“We’ve had tremendous success in reducing the numbers of illegal meth labs in our state by placing limits on the purchase of medicines that contain the ingredients needed to make methamphetamine,” said Wyrick, D-Fairland. “Now we need to address the other source of meth—the major importers.”

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Statement by Senator Charlie Laster

“Senator Coffee could have filed a so-called ‘meaningful’ tort reform bill before the session, but he didn’t. Instead, he plopped a 124-page amendment to my bill on the desk this morning in hopes we would all abandon the bill that had been heard in committee in favor of one nobody has had time read.
“It’s not like he had a bill that wasn’t heard in the Judiciary Committee. The truth is that he only filed a one-page shell bill and never asked me to hear a committee substitute dealing with tort reform. read more.

State Senators voted Monday for a measure calling for a Constitutional amendment to create the Oklahoma Safe Roads Trust Fund and require that all motor fuels taxes are deposited in the fund.
Senate Joint Resolution 58 by Senator Kenneth Corn passed the Senate by a vote of 44-0.
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