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Press Releases

Showing: March, 2005

Senator Jeff Rabon announced today that Senate Bill 702, which is also known as the Truth in Campaigning measure cleared another legislative approval with passage on the Senate floor. The legislation, which received bi-partisan support, will make it a misdemeanor for a candidate or individual to knowingly release untruthful information about an opponent during an election cycle.
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A measure to ensure that Oklahoma homeowners do not receive a cancellation notice of their insurance after filing a claim cleared yet another legislative hurdle today. Senator Mary Easley, author of Senate Bill 402, stated that the intent of the bill is to guarantee that Oklahoma’s homeowners do not receive a lapse in their insurance coverage.
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State Senators Wednesday approved a $3.798 billion general appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2006. Combined with the Common Education appropriation passed earlier in the week, Senate Bill 213 establishes a $5.95 billion framework for the FY 2006 state budget
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In an effort to boost Oklahoma's economy, increase financial literacy and stop the growing crisis of credit card debt and bankruptcy in Oklahoma, the State Senate passed a measure late Monday to ensure Oklahoma's students are taught financial responsibility.
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A measure to ensure that municipal police chiefs receive administrative training to better prepare them for their jobs and reduce employment turnover rates passed the Senate recently.
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State Senators approved the creation of new retirement system for public safety employees Tuesday.
Senate Bill 711 offers public safety employees who are now members of the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System a retirement plan more in line with the plan to which most police officers and firefighters belong, said State Senator Kenneth Corn, author of the measure.
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Senator Debbe Leftwich announced today that a measure to extend the Oklahoma Quality Investment Act that was signed by the Governor during the last legislative session, has cleared yet another legislative hurdle. Senate Bill 755 also renames the Act, which served as a pilot program for Dayton Tire, to the Oklahoma Specialized Quality Investment Act.
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State Senator Kathleen Wilcoxson said her bill to give assistance to victims of uninsured motorists has made it through a major hurdle in the legislative process. Senate Bill 613 won approval from the full Senate on Tuesday.

Sen. Wilcoxson said her bill is not a new concept. The Oklahoma City Republican said it is modeled after the state’s Victim’s Compensation Fund.
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State Senators Monday passed legislation to provide grants to upgrade law enforcement programs in Oklahoma’s small towns.

Senate Bill 15 by Senator Kenneth Corn, D-Poteau, creates the Anti-Crime Operation Program or ACOP. It establishes a fund to provide grants to fund law enforcement activities in municipalities with a population of 7,000 or less.
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The State Senate has approved a bill to ensure victims of sexual assault or domestic violence will have some economic protection. The legislation, Senate Bill 935, is called the “Victims Economic Security and Safety Act.”
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The 80th anniversary of the distinctively designed Oklahoma flag is April 2, 2005, and Ponca City will be honoring the flag's designer, Louise Funk Fluke, in an all-day celebration.

"I'm very excited about this event. We have one of the most magnificent state flags and I think it is only fitting to honor the woman who gave us that beauty," said Sen. David Myers, R-Ponca City. "Mrs. Fluke lived in Ponca City for many years after her flag was adopted in 1924, so we consider her one of Ponca City's daughters."
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Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee praised a bipartisan effort in the State Senate to pass funding for Oklahoma’s public schools – beating a March 16 deadline for the Legislature to send the “common education” budget bill to the governor.

“Funding education first and early during the legislative session ensures that education is not used as a political football in the budget process,” said Coffee, R-Oklahoma City.

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State Senators Monday overwhelmingly approved a $2.152 billion budget for public schools two days before the “Fund Education First” deadline of March 16.

Senate Bill 217, which represents a funding increase for K-12 schools of $144.7 million over Fiscal Year 2005, passed on a 43-0 vote.
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In a show of bipartisan support, the State Senate has approved a measure that could help law enforcement identify suspects in unsolved murder, rape and other criminal cases. Senator Jonathan Nichols is principal author of SB 646. He said the measure would expand the state’s DNA database to include all convicted felons.
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A bill to expand a prescription assistance program has passed the Senate in a bi-partisan majority vote and awaits action in the House of Representatives, Senator Susan Paddack, author of the measure said.
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Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee reminded legislative leaders Thursday that the deadline to pass the state funding bill for public schools is next Wednesday, March 16.

“The ‘Fund Education First’ deadline is less than a week away, so it is imperative that the Senate and House work quickly to meet the deadline,” stated Coffee, R-Oklahoma City. “I have every confidence that Chairman Morgan and Chairman Benge will reach an a bipartisan agreement and that we will pass education funding by March 16.”

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A bill to help bring computer child pornographers to justice is now making its way through the House of Representatives. State Senator Cliff Branan, R-OKC, is principal author of SB 513 which has already won unanimous approval in the Senate. He explained the measure is similar to a law requiring photo labs to report child porn pictures they find while processing film.
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A measure to ensure the safety of Oklahoma’s children received approval from the Senate today. Senate Bill 618, authored by Mary Easley, creates the “Dustin Rhodes CPR Training Act,” which would require two employees at every school to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instruction each year.

The Democrat from South Tulsa authored the legislation following the tragic death of Dustin Rhodes in the school cafeteria. The boy started choking on a piece of bread, and while teachers and staff tried to help the child; they were not properly trained in CPR.
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The State Senate has given unanimous approval to a measure banning a potentially deadly new way of downing alcohol—Senate Bill 663 would forbid anyone to sell, buy, furnish, manufacture or possess an alcohol inhalation device.

Senator Jonathan Nichols is principal author of the measure. He said the use of devices to inhale alcohol is a fad that’s been seen in bars and clubs in other parts of the nation. He worries people unfamiliar with alcohol inhalers may not realize they can be extremely dangerous.
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Senate Bill 531 is on its way to the State House of Representatives. That’s after winning unanimous approval by the Senate on Tuesday. Senator Scott Pruitt, R-Broken Arrow, said the bill is designed to help school districts with cash-flow problems resulting from unforeseen expenses and fluctuating revenues.

“Our school districts do a very careful job of planning their budgets, but there are some things that can’t be completely anticipated—a big spike in fuel prices, for example, can have a serious budgetary impact,” explained Pruitt.
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