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Press Releases

Showing: May, 2000

OKLAHOMA CITY - Time is running out, and without legislative action in the remaining days of the session, Oklahoma could miss out on high-speed rail service connections as well as lose the Heartland Flyer connecting Oklahoma City to Fort Worth.

That's the message from Senator Dave Herbert, who is making a last appeal to legislative leaders and the Governor not to let Oklahoma's opportunities to become a train hub die on the vine.

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House Speaker Loyd Benson has derailed budget negotiations again, threatening to stall the entire state budget until State Senate leaders agree to a list of road projects drawn up by members of the House, according to Senate President Pro Tempore Stratton Taylor.

"Just when we thought we were going to reach an agreement and get on with the people's business, the Speaker threw a new demand on the table. He's basically threatening to hold the entire state budget hostage until he gets his way on a bunch of road projects," noted Senator Taylor.

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OKLAHOMA CITY - Being paid less for the same work isn't just a women's issue; it's a family issue. That's according to Senator Angela Monson and Representative Debbie Blackburn who said many Oklahomans may be unaware of the pay gap, and how it is hurting children and families

Their comments came on national Women's Pay Equity Day; a nationwide event aimed at drawing attention to the issue of equal pay for equal work.

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A tougher, more responsive complaint process to help guard against abuse or neglect, uniform procedures for nursing home inspections and increased funding for better staffing are among the reforms being suggested by a Tulsa state legislator who is leading a State Senate review of the

Senator Penny Williams is working to pass reform legislation to address problems uncovered in the ongoing investigation of the State Health Department's nursing home inspection process.

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The Oklahoma State Senate gave final approval Thursday to car tag reform legislation that will ultimately deliver more than $22 million in savings to Oklahoma motorists, charging them no more than $85 for their annual license plate. The measure, which passed the Senate on a 42-3 vote, now goes to Governor Keating for his signature.

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Statement by Senator Stratton Taylor,
Senate President Pro Tempore

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With veterans groups set to rally at the State Capitol Tuesday, State Senator Sam Helton renewed his call for Governor Keating not to pursue his proposed cut to veterans programs in the final weeks of the legislative session.

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A Tulsa state legislator will lead a Senate review of the Oklahoma nursing home industry, with plans to offer reform legislation before the legislative session concludes at the end of May.

Senator Penny Williams, who has been working to improve staffing levels in nursing homes for a number of years, said the ongoing investigation of the State Health Department's nursing home inspection process underscores the need for a thorough review and legislation this year.

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The budget leader of the Oklahoma State Senate is asking Governor Keating to present legislative leaders with a revised executive budget reflecting available funds and a detailed listing of the obligations that still must be met before the conclusion of the legislative session at the end of the month.

After a meeting with the Governor Wednesday morning, Senator Kelly Haney said it was clear that the chief executive had no plan in place for meeting remaining state budget obligations.

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OKLAHOMA CITY - A bill that would enable Oklahomans to hold their HMO's legally responsible for health care decisions has been signed into law by Governor Keating. That's according to the legislation's author, Senator Brad Henry.

Senate Bill 1206 enables members to sue their HMO if it improperly denied them necessary medical treatment ordered by their primary physician or made other health care decisions that were found to be detrimental to them.

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Statement by Senator Stratton Taylor, Senate President Pro Tempore

"It's my hope that we can work out an agreement with Governor Keating that will deliver meaningful tag reform to Oklahoma motorists. Despite all the rhetoric we've heard on this issue, I really don't think we're that far apart."

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