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Showing: April, 2016

Oklahoma is one of only seven states that doesn’t require insurance companies to cover treatment for children with autism. On Thursday, the full Senate joined the House in supporting a measure that would bring Oklahoma into line with the majority of states, helping thousands of families with autistic children finally get the help they need. House Bill 2962 was approved with bipartisan support 36 to 5.

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Sen. Griffin talks about autism bill.
Pro Tem Bingman comments on passage of autism bill.
Tara Hood, mother of two children with autism, speaks about legislation.

Oklahoma is one of only seven states that doesn’t require insurance companies to cover treatment for children with autism. On Thursday, the full Senate joined the House in supporting a measure that would bring Oklahoma into line with the majority of states, helping thousands of families with autistic children finally get the help they need. House Bill 2962 was approved with bipartisan support 36 to 5.

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Sen. Griffin talks about autism bill.
Pro Tem Bingman comments on passage of autism bill.
Tara Hood, mother of two children with autism, speaks about legislation.

Oklahoma is one of only seven states that doesn’t require insurance companies to cover treatment for children with autism. On Thursday, the full Senate joined the House in supporting a measure that would bring Oklahoma into line with the majority of states, helping thousands of families with autistic children finally get the help they need. House Bill 2962 was approved with bipartisan support 36 to 5.

read more.
Sen. Griffin talks about autism bill.
Pro Tem Bingman comments on passage of autism bill.
Tara Hood, mother of two children with autism, speaks about legislation.
Senate Pro Tem's weekly Q&A with Capitol press (Week 11)
Senate Pro Tem's weekly Q&A with Capitol press (Week 10)

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday approved four criminal justice reform bills aimed at addressing the state’s prison population while still ensuring public safety. The measures were touted by Governor Mary Fallin in her State of the State speech this year, and were proposed by her Oklahoma Justice Reform Committee.

Sen. Greg Treat, R-Edmond, is Senate principal author of three measures that would hold nonviolent offenders accountable while still ensuring public safety and saving millions of dollars each year.

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Sen. Treat on criminal justice reforms.
Sen. Shaw on Drug Court bill.

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday approved four criminal justice reform bills aimed at addressing the state’s prison population while still ensuring public safety. The measures were touted by Governor Mary Fallin in her State of the State speech this year, and were proposed by her Oklahoma Justice Reform Committee.

Sen. Greg Treat, R-Edmond, is Senate principal author of three measures that would hold nonviolent offenders accountable while still ensuring public safety and saving millions of dollars each year.

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Sen. Treat on criminal justice reforms.
Sen. Shaw on Drug Court bill.