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Showing: January, 2009

Sen. Randy Brogdon has authored a measure to block any efforts to relocate prisoners from the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay to Oklahoma. Thats after President Barack Obama signed an executive order to close the prison within a year. Brogdon said previous locations considered for inmates have included Fort Sill in southwestern Oklahoma. He said it is critical for the State Legislature to back efforts by Oklahomas Congressional delegation to stop that from happening.

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Sen Brogdon on resolution to keep gitmo prisoners out of Oklahoma.

The Republican majority looks forward to working with Senator Laster and his leadership team to move Oklahoma forward, even in this challenging fiscal environment in which will operate this session.

As I experienced in the minority, good ideas are not the sole domain of the majority. As I pledged on Senate organizational day, we will give a fair hearing to those ideas and proposals that will help grow our state, keep it safe and educated, build a stronger business climate, protect our families, and empower Oklahomans to prosper.

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Sen Coffee reacts to Dem Agenda.

The State Agency Analysis Shows an Impact of 1% or Less

Sen. Jay Paul Gumm on Friday announced that another analysis of Nick’s Law shows that the proposal will have a minimal impact on insurance costs.

The Oklahoma State Education Employees Group Insurance Board this week released the findings of their study, which showed an impact to claims of 1 percent or less. Gumm said these findings are in line with those in a comprehensive study by Jim Bouder, which was presented to the Legislature in May.

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Sen. Gumm discusses new study on cost on of Nick's Law.
Barrington to Expand Sales Tax Holiday
Oklahoma families see relief, economy given boost

Senator Don Barrington, R-Lawton, announced he is authoring Senate Bill 723 that will expand his successful Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday to include school supplies and reference materials.

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Sen. Barrington says bill expands sales tax holiday.

Members of the Oklahoma State Senate’s Republican Rural Caucus released today their policy agenda for the 2009 legislative session, entitled their “Vision for Improving the Quality of Life in Rural Oklahoma.”

The Senate Republican Rural Caucus’ agenda calls for protecting agricultural tax exemptions, improving access to healthcare professionals and facilities in rural Oklahoma, opposing forced school consolidation, and providing more funding for county roads and bridges.

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Sen. Justice discusses '09 Republican Rural Caucus agenda.
Ford Files Voter ID Bill
Legislation calls for clean and fair elections

Senator John Ford, R-Bartlesville, has introduced legislation that will help protect the integrity of the election system in Oklahoma.

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Sen. Ford discusses Voter ID bill.

Sen. Randy Brogdon and Rep. Eric Proctor have filed legislation to end Oklahoma’s state sales tax on groceries by July 1, 2009. Brogdon, R-Owasso, is the principal author of Senate Bill 600, which would end the 4.5 percent state sales tax on groceries. The tax exemption would not apply to alcohol or tobacco products since they are taxed at the wholesale level.
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Brogdon and Proctor discuss ending the grocery tax.


Noting the increase in domestic violence in our culture and the necessity to assure the rights and protection of victims of such acts, Senate President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee will offer two important pieces of legislation in the upcoming legislative session to address victims’ concerns.

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Sen. Coffee on victim's rights legislation.
Education Chair Wants Accountability, Empowered Local Districts, Parental Choice

As Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, State Senator John Ford said Tuesday that education reforms are needed to move Oklahoma’s education system forward.

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Sen. Ford on education reform efforts.

President Pro-Tempore Glenn Coffee commended the Oklahoma Business and Education Coalition (OBEC) today for their release of a study and recommendations for the future of education in Oklahoma.

“I thank Mr. Stan Lybarger of BOK Financial, OSU President Burns Hargis, and OBEC for their diligence in pursuing excellence in education in our state, and Senator Jolley for the education reform bill he will offer this session,” Coffee said. “Surely our ability to compete in a global marketplace depends on the preparedness of our students, and their readiness to enter the marketplace.

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Sen. Jolley on need for objective education performance standards.