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The state Senate on Friday approved a bill that would increase penalties for date rape as well as create new laws against the desecration of human bodies and aggravated child pornography possession. Sens. Jonathan Nichols, Jim Reynolds and James A. Williamson praised the Senate’s passage of the measure, and addressed the importance of providing protection for Oklahoma’s most vulnerable citizens.
read more.The Oklahoma State Senate approved a resolution Friday recognizing Aug. 19, 2008 as the 50th anniversary of the sit-in movement that began in Oklahoma City at Katz Drug Store. The resolution also honors the life and legacy of local civil rights pioneer Mrs. Clara Luper and all those who participated in that first peaceful and non-violent demonstration 50 years ago.
Senate Resolution 102 is authored by Sen. Constance N. Johnson, D-Oklahoma County. A copy of the resolution will be distributed to Mrs. Luper, the NAACP Youth Council in Oklahoma City and the Oklahoma History Center.
read more.The full Senate has given unanimous approval to a resolution honoring the life of former Lieutenant Governor and University of Oklahoma football star Jack Mildren. Lt. Gov. Jari Askins, President of the Senate, presided over the chamber as the resolution was read and approved unanimously. Mildren, age 58, was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and died on Thursday.
Sen. Kenneth Corn, principal author of Senate Resolution 105, said he was extremely saddened by Mildren’s passing. He recalled Mildren as a man who loved life and always had a smile on his face.
read more.Senate Co-President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee, the leader of Republicans in the evenly divided Senate, gave the 2008 legislative session a “solid B” grade.
“2008 was a good legislative session, but not a great one. I’d grade it a solid B,” stated Coffee, R-Oklahoma City.
read more.The full Senate has given final approval to a measure requiring all prenatal classes to provide educational materials to expectant mothers about the dangers of alcohol and drug use during pregnancy. Charlie Laster is the Senate author of House Bill 2705, authored by Rep. Kris Steele in the House of Representatives.
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The Oklahoma State Senate will soon say goodbye to Sen. James A. Williamson. The Republican Leader Emeritus is completing his final session in the Senate due to term limits. On Tuesday, Williamson’s family and friends gathered in the Senate Chamber to watch his colleagues pay tribute to the Tulsa legislator.
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The Oklahoma Senate voted 32 to 15 Monday to send Gov. Brad Henry legislation to make state government more accountable, effective and innovative.
Senate Bill 1865, by Co-President Pro Tem Glenn Coffee, creates an Office of Accountability and Innovation at the Legislative Service Bureau. The office will conduct regular performance audits of agencies, recommend best practices to improve efficiency in government, review tax policy, and suggest new innovations to make government more accountable and effective for taxpayers.
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