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Showing: April, 2004

State Representative Mary Easley is now Senator Mary Easley. The Tulsa Democrat was officially sworn in during a ceremony at the State Capitol on Monday. Friends and family members were present in the Senate Chamber as State Supreme Court Justice Marian Opala administered the oath of office.
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Sen. Mary Easley talks about her new position.

I first met Helen Cole in 1980, when I was working as executive secretary for the State Republican Party. Through the years we often discussed politics, public service, and what it was like for a woman to serve in the legislature. When Senator Cole decided not to seek another term 8 years ago, I was elected to the Senate District 45 seat that she held. She continued to be a great friend and mentor to me as I began my service in the Senate.
I cannot even begin to describe my love and admiration for Helen, or the depths of this loss. read more.

Sen. Wilcoxson Calls Helen Cole Her Mentor

Senator Frank Shurden and Representative Rebecca Hamilton called a press conference on Thursday after an Oklahoma City Mexican-American family was charged for violating the state's anti-cockfighting law. The lawmakers denounced the law and the treatment of the family as unfair.

Three members of the Zarate family each had felony charges brought against them on March 29, in the Oklahoma County District Court, for possession and intent to engage in cockfighting. They were the first people charged with violating the state law.
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Rep. Rebecca Hamilton says the law is unfair and Oklahomans did not realize what they were voting for.
Oklahoma NAACP President, Roosevelt Milton says where there is inconsistency in the enforcement of law, there is discrimination.
David Puente, President of LULAC, says this is part of our heritage and Oklahoma needs to jump towards the future and stop being backwards.
Sen. Shurden says the law should pertain to fighting, not mere possession.

A bill that would pay 100 percent of state teacher’s single insurance premiums has cleared yet another legislative hurdle. HB 2662 authored by Senator Kenneth Corn and House of Representatives Speaker Larry Adair would provide state teacher’s with much needed financial relief.

The measure provides that all state teachers and principals receive 100 percent of their single insurance premiums under the Health Choice High Option to be paid for by the state. An important amendment was also made to HB 2662 to protect teachers from losing a portion of their salary.
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Sen. Corn says HB 2662 will help keep Oklahoma competitive with other states in obtaining and keeping teachers.

Senator Frank Shurden and Representative Rebecca Hamilton called a press conference on Thursday after an Oklahoma City Mexican-American family was charged for violating the state's anti-cockfighting law. The lawmakers denounced the law and the treatment of the family as unfair.

Three members of the Zarate family each had felony charges brought against them on March 29, in the Oklahoma County District Court, for possession and intent to engage in cockfighting. They were the first people charged with violating the state law.
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Rep. Rebecca Hamilton says the law is unfair and Oklahomans did not realize what they were voting for.
Oklahoma NAACP President, Roosevelt Milton says where there is inconsistency in the enforcement of law, there is discrimination.
David Puente, President of LULAC, says this is part of our heritage and Oklahoma needs to jump towards the future and stop being backwards.
Sen. Shurden says the law should pertain to fighting, not mere possession.

Senator Frank Shurden and Representative Rebecca Hamilton called a press conference on Thursday after an Oklahoma City Mexican-American family was charged for violating the state's anti-cockfighting law. The lawmakers denounced the law and the treatment of the family as unfair.

Three members of the Zarate family each had felony charges brought against them on March 29, in the Oklahoma County District Court, for possession and intent to engage in cockfighting. They were the first people charged with violating the state law.
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Rep. Rebecca Hamilton says the law is unfair and Oklahomans did not realize what they were voting for.
Oklahoma NAACP President, Roosevelt Milton says where there is inconsistency in the enforcement of law, there is discrimination.
David Puente, President of LULAC, says this is part of our heritage and Oklahoma needs to jump towards the future and stop being backwards.
Sen. Shurden says the law should pertain to fighting, not mere possession.

Senator Frank Shurden and Representative Rebecca Hamilton called a press conference on Thursday after an Oklahoma City Mexican-American family was charged for violating the state's anti-cockfighting law. The lawmakers denounced the law and the treatment of the family as unfair.

Three members of the Zarate family each had felony charges brought against them on March 29, in the Oklahoma County District Court, for possession and intent to engage in cockfighting. They were the first people charged with violating the state law.
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Rep. Rebecca Hamilton says the law is unfair and Oklahomans did not realize what they were voting for.
Oklahoma NAACP President, Roosevelt Milton says where there is inconsistency in the enforcement of law, there is discrimination.
David Puente, President of LULAC, says this is part of our heritage and Oklahoma needs to jump towards the future and stop being backwards.
Sen. Shurden says the law should pertain to fighting, not mere possession.

Senator Angela Monson and House Speaker Pro Tempore Danny Hilliard were joined by trauma survivors and physicians Monday for a special presentation on the state of Oklahoma’s trauma care network.

The legislative leaders hosted the presentation in the State Senate Chamber in an effort to educate other lawmakers and the public on the need for an infusion of funding to keep the state’s only Level 1 Trauma Center open at University Hospital in Oklahoma City and to ensure the existence of reliable statewide trauma care network
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Dawn Layne said without trauma care, she'd have lost both daughters in a car accident.

Senator Debbe Leftwich said she is hopeful the full Senate will support her efforts to ensure all Oklahoma women have access to breast and cervical cancer treatment. House Bill 2552 won approval by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday.

“The American Cancer Society has a map of the United States showing all the states that provide breast and cervical cancer treatment to women who are under-insured or have no insurance. Oklahoma is the only state that offers no such program,” said Senator Leftwich, D-OKC.
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Sen. Debbe Leftwich discusses the importance of the Cancer Treatment Bill.