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Meeting Notice


General Government REVISED

Subject General Government
From Date
Time 1:00pm
Location Room 230

Interim Study 2024-036

Decreasing Poverty in Oklahoma

Requestor: Senator Julia Kirt

1. Opening Remarks - Senator Kirt and Senator Hicks

2. Introductions - Mary Knott, Poor People's Campaign of Oklahoma

3. Lived Experience - Makeisha Smith

4. Overview of Poverty in Oklahoma - Anthony Flores, Oklahoma Policy Institute

5. The Current Status of Anti-Poverty Efforts in Oklahoma:

a. SNAP, TANF, Child Care Subsidy, ABD, Long Term Care - Sondra Shelby, DHS

b. WIC - Christina Windrix, OSDH

c. Soonercare, Christina Foss, OHCA

6. Challenges and Possible Solutions:

a. Broad Based Categorical Eligibility - Jessica Dietrich, Hunger Free Oklahoma

b. No Wrong Door, Single Point of Entry - Anthony Flores, Oklahoma Policy Institute

c. Changing the Benefit "Cliff" to a "Slope" - Ed Bolen, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities

d. Modernization of Tax Credits - Aanahita Erin, Oklahoma Policy Institute

7. Long Term Care Solutions: Education, Employment and Higher Wages - Presented by State Chamber of Commerce

8. Q&A

9. Closing Remarks - Senator Kirt and Senator Hicks

10. Other business