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Sen. Warren Hamilton’s Press Releases

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Sen. Warren Hamilton welcomed Stigler’s speech, debate and drama teams to the State Senate and recognized them on the chamber floor for their recent state championship wins.

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With tensions still following questions regarding the 2020 election cycle, Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, wants voters to decide if Oklahoma should conduct random audits following each general election.

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State Sen. Warren Hamilton has filed Senate Joint Resolution 30, which would give a voice back to rural Oklahomans and transform how state questions are passed in the state.

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State Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, has filed Senate Bill 676 to prohibit anyone under the age of 21 from undergoing gender reassignment medical treatment in the state.

The measure would make it illegal for a person under the age of 21 to undergo gender reassignment medical treatment; for a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18 to obtain gender reassignment medical treatment for the child; or for a health care professional to intentionally perform gender reassignment medical treatment on a person who is under the age of 21.

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As a rancher in Southeastern Oklahoma, Sen. Warren Hamilton has seen the impact of Oklahoma lands being purchased by foreign entities.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (OK2A) recently awarded Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, with the Freshman Senator of the Year Award.

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In a letter sent to Gov. Kevin Stitt on Monday, State Sen. Warren Hamilton requested the governor convene a special session for the Legislature to prevent private businesses from requiring employees to be vaccinated.

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Karen Ford has been selected to become the new Latimer County Election Board Secretary.

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The full Senate confirmed Leland Walker to serve a seven-year term to the Eastern Oklahoma State College (EOSC) Board of Regents. The nomination was carried by Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma is officially a Second Amendment Sanctuary State after the governor signed Senate Bill 631 into law on Monday.

Authored by freshman Senator Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, the measure preempts the entire field of legislation by any agency or political subdivision of the state to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of Oklahoma citizens.

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