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Sen. Roland Pederson’s Press Releases

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To alleviate the blood supply shortage caused by COVID-19, Sen.

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The full Senate approved House Bill 3350 on Friday that gives a cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) to state retirees.

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The Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee approved the nomination of Chad Dillingham on Tuesday to serve an eight-year term to the Oklahoma Wildlife and Conservation Commission. Sen.

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Enid residents Stanley Brownlee and Jami Groendyke were approved Tuesday by the Senate Education Committee to serve five-year terms on the Board of Regents for Northern Oklahoma College (NOC).

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Kyle Whitehead, owner of Evans Drug Store in Enid received approval by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee to serve another five-year term on the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a shortage of blood supplies across the nation and in Oklahoma. To combat this shortage, State Sen.

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The full Senate prioritized child safety on Monday with the passage of Senate Bill 1303.

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Current Oklahoma law only requires children under the age of eight to be buckled up in the back seat of a car. AAA data shows car crashes to be the number one cause of death and injury for minors in Oklahoma as a result. State Sen. Roland Pederson, R-Burlington, says it’s time to buckle up.

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OKLAHOMA CITY –Sen. Roland Pederson joined Gov. Kevin Stitt for the ceremonial signing of two important measures for rural Oklahoma.

Senate Bill 164 will allow a fire protection district board of directors to increase from 7 or 9 members to ensure better geographic and population representation. The board of directors can also be increased by petition. Members’ terms will be staggered so that no more than two expire in a year.

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