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Sen. Kay Floyd’s Press Releases

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According to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, more than 1,900 rapes were reported in the state in 2015 alone. Sexual assault forensic evidence kits help collect and preserve evidence following an assault, but there is no law in Oklahoma requiring these kits to be tracked or tested, and national data suggests some kits may never be tested. It’s an issue Sen. Kay Floyd has been working to address this session.

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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Senate unanimously approved two bills this week to help victims of sexual assault.  Senate Bill 654 would create the Joint Legislative Task Force on Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) in an effort to get more rape kits tested annually and reduce the number of sexual assaults statewide.  SB 208 would create the Sexual Assault Victims’ Rights to Information Act to ensure victims are kept up-to-date on their cases and made aware of their rights.  Sen. Kay Floyd is the author of both measures. read more.

OKLAHOMA CITY – The National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL) recently named Sen. Kay Floyd as a 2016 Elected Women of Excellence Award winner.  The award was established in 2013 as part of NFWL’s 75th Anniversary Celebration in order to honor the hard work and dedication of women leaders from across the country.

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One in every 30 children in the U.S. are homeless, and Sen. Kay Floyd wants to ensure that Oklahoma’s children don’t fall through the cracks of society but have all the services they need to grow up healthy and independent. Senate Bill 511 instructs the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth, which is the agency that serves at-risk youth, to include recommendations for the development and improvement of services for homeless children and youth in their annual report.
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OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Association for Justice (OAJ) honored newly-elected State Senator Kay Floyd as their Awards Gala recently with the 2014 Legislator of the Year Award.  The Oklahoma City democrat said she was honored to receive the recognition.
            “I’m humbled to have received this award,” said Floyd.  “I
            Legislator of the Year is awarded to a member of the Oklahoma Legislature who stands strong for the rights of Oklahoma individuals and shows commitment to the preservation of the civil justice system.

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