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Sen. Adam Pugh’s Press Releases

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Social media has allowed at-home food business owners to reach larger numbers of potential customers, but Oklahoma’s strict regulations have kept many from growing and succeeding.  Sen. read more.

The Senate unanimously approved legislation Tuesday to help get more teachers into Oklahoma classrooms.  Sen. read more.

As work continues to reform the state’s criminal justice system, Sen. read more.

OKLAHOMA CITY – State Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, has filed legislation to give a tax deduction to individuals and families contributing to an Oklahoma STABLE account, which is made possible by the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program.

Oklahoma STABLE accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts for eligible individuals with disabilities. They have similar features to normal banking accounts but allow disabled individuals to save and invest money without losing eligibility for public benefits programs like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income.

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Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, filed two bills this week to help address the state’s teacher shortage by recognizing the skills and service of out-of-state teachers.

“Even with the historic pay raises and budget increases, we’re still facing a teacher shortage. We’ve got to figure out a way to increase the potential pool of teacher applicants, and attracting out-of-state teachers is one way we can do that,” Pugh said. “However, we need to get rid of some of the roadblocks that are keeping out-of-state teachers from continuing their careers in our classrooms. read more.

New sex offender reporting law in effect
OKLAHOMA CITY – As of November 1, sex offenders residing with any minor child must now report to the statewide centralized Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) hotline. Previously, only the parent, stepparent or grandparent of a minor had to report to the hotline. Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, authored the bill at the request of DHS to better protect all of Oklahoma’s children.

“This was an oversight in our law that needed to be addressed to ensure law enforcement and DHS are aware of who sex offenders are living with when it comes to minors,” Pugh said. read more.

A measure providing reciprocal licensing for military personnel and their spouses was signed into law by Gov. Kevin Stitt this week.
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OKLAHOMA CITY – Edmond Day is scheduled to be held at the state Capitol on Tuesday, April 30th from 10am to 3pm, according to State Sen. Adam Pugh.

Pugh, who was elected in 2016 to represent the Edmond district, said it’s been a pleasure to plan the event with the help of the Edmond Chamber of Commerce.

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OKLAHOMA CITY- A measure that would provide reciprocal licensing for military personnel and their spouses is making its way through the legislature.  Senate Bill 670 cleared the Senate and is now in the House awaiting consideration.

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OKLAHOMA CITY - State Senator Adam Pugh was presented with a special Legislative Champion Award tie by the Oklahoma Alzheimer’s Association during the organization’s Capitol Advocacy Day on Monday.  Pugh, R-Edmond, authored several bills, including Senate Bill 435, on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association this session.  SB 435 unanimously passed on the Senate floor earlier this week and is now headed to the House for consideration.  The measure directs the Department of Human Services to require all Adult Protective Services (APS) specialists to receive training related to recognizing, trea read more.