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Senate Interim Study

A study on textbook adoption and funding reforms

Subject First Meeting
Time 10:00am
Location Room 535 , State Capitol Building
  1. 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - IS 19-66, Senator Gary Stanislawski, Study on Updating HB 1017 School Mandates
    Carolyn Thompson, chief of government affairs, State Department of Education
    Michelle Exstrom, education group director, and Daniel Thatcher, education program director, National Conference of State Legislatures
    Pam Deering, executive director, Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration

  2. 1:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. - IS 19-16, Senator Carri Hicks, Study on Professional Development Requirements for School Districts
    State Department of Education
    Pam Deering, executive director, Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration
    Julie James, director of professional development, Oklahoma City Public Schools
    Sherri Pankhurst, director of curriculum and instruction, Cordell Public Schools

  3. 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - IS 19-6, Senator Mary Boren, Study on Textbook Adoption and Funding Reforms
    Kim Gillert, member, Oklahoma Education Publishers Association
    John Thompson, president, Thompson School Book Depository
    Cynthia Barber, Tulsa Public Schools
    Jon Myers, Noble Public Schools
    Kate Raymond, professor, University of Oklahoma Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education
    Tiffany Neill, executive director of curriculum and instruction, State Department of Education

Education Committee Members:

Senator Gary Stanislawski, Chair
Senator Joe Newhouse, Vice-Chair
Senator David Bullard
Senator JJ Dossett
Senator Tom Dugger
Senator John Haste
Senator Carri Hicks
Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman
Senator Chris Kidd
Senator Roland Pederson
Senator Dewayne Pemberton
Senator Marty Quinn
Senator Paul Scott
Senator Wayne Shaw
Senator Jason Smalley

Studies Requested By

Senator Mary Boren for 19-6
Senator Carri Hicks for 19-16
Senator Gary Stanislawski for 19-66

Senate Staff

Erin Boeckman, Legislative Analyst
Chris Turner, Attorney
Leigh Garrison, Fiscal Analyst
Kaycee Valencia, Admin. Assist.