Senate Interim Study
A study of the Oklahoma Trust Act
Welcome & Introductions
9:00am -10:30am: Creditors Rights and Revocable
Mr. Jeff Ludlam, Outside counsel Oklahoma Credit Union Association
Mr. James C. Milton, Hall Estill
Mr. H. Terrell Monks, Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC10:30am -12:00pm: Trust Decanting
Senator Brent Howard
Mr. James C. Milton, Hall Estill
Mr. Clint Swanson, Swanson Law Firm, PLLCOther Business
Senator Julie Daniels, Chair
Senator Darcy Jech, Vice Chair
Senator Mary Boren
Senator Michael Brooks
Senator Nathan Dahm
Senator Kay Floyd
Senator Brent Howard
Senator James Leewright
Senator Casey Murdock
Senator Lonnie Paxton
Senator Ron Sharp
Senator Darrell Weaver
Studies Requested By
Senator Julie Daniels
Senator Brent Howard
Senate Staff
Tracy Kersey, Analyst
Parker Wise, Attorney
Rosie Curiel, Fiscal Analyst
Andrea Gaylord, Administrative Assistant