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Senate Interim Study

A study on blockchain, virtual currencies, and potential implementation in Oklahoma

Subject First Meeting
Time 8:30am
Location Room 535 , State Capitol Building
  1. 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
    Senator Nathan Dahm - Opening remarks
    Dante Giancola, Vice-President of Blockchain and the State Legislature: The Role of the Policymaker, Use Cases: Digital Car Titles and Vital Statistics
    Michael Mathews, CIO and Vice-President for Innovation at Oral Roberts University Overview of Blockchain Technology and Its Overall Value
    Feng Hou, Chief Digital Transformation Evangelist at Maryville University Embracing New Opportunities for Every Sector with Blockchain Technology
    Dr. Kathaleen Reid-Martinex, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Oral Roberts University Blockchain and Personalized Learning Pathways
    Matt Moore, President of the Young Businessmen of Tulsa and Cryptocurrency Evangelist Cryptocurrency Developments and The Economic Impact
    Senator Nathan Dahm Closing remarks


Senator James Leewright, Chair
Senator Gary Stanislawski, Vice-Chair
Senator Micheal Bergstrom
Senator Stephanie Bice
Senator Michael Brooks
Senator Greg McCortney
Senator Joe Newhouse
Senator Adam Pugh
Senaotr Wayne Shaw
Senator Joseph Silk
Senator George Young

Studies Requested By

Senator Casey Murdock (IS 19-37)
Senator Nathan Dahm (IS 19-10)

Senate Staff

Nancy Pellow, Legislative Analyst
Chris Turner, Attorney
Mary Savuto, Administrative Assistant