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Senate Interim Study

Education funding: Bilingual funding, testing, qualifying, school procedures, transparency and accountability.

Location ,
  1. IS-2020-38 Joint Study Education funding: Bilingual funding, testing, qualifying, school procedures, transparency and accountability.  Requestor: Newhouse/Dills

    1. 8:30AM - 8:40AM:  Welcome and introductions
    2. 8:40AM - 8:50AM:  Senator Gary Stanislawski, Chair of State Aid Funding Formula Task Force (2017-2018)
    3. 8:50AM - 9:50AM:  Matt Richmond (Virtual), Chief Program Officer for Ed Build - Oklahoma State Aid Formula and Bilingual/ELL
    4. 9:50AM - 9:55AM:  Break
    5. 9:55AM - 10:55AM:  Dan Ruhl, Executive Director of English Proficiency, OSDE - Bilingual/ELL
    6. 10:55AM - 11:10AM:  Chris Berry, Director of Language & Cultural Services for OKCPS
    7. 11:10AM - 11:30AM:  Questions
    8. 11:30AM - 1:00PM:  Lunch Break