Friends for a Day - October 12, 1832

Artist: Wayne Cooper
Sponsor: Sen. Ben Brown
Dedication: May 18, 1998
Size: 30" x 40"
Type: Oil on Canvas
Location: Outside Senate Lounge
As described in Washington Irving's "Tour on the Prairies" on October 12, 1832, a young Osage boy of about 17 brought a stray horse into camp, expecting a reward. However, the Cherokees thought the horse was stolen. They claimed the horse and recommended the boy be flogged. Irving and others took the boy's side and prevented the flogging. Young Count Porutales, age 21, was immensely impressed with the handsome Osage and through an interpreter, persuaded him to stay on as his personal squire. They immediately became friends and started out on their own to explore the countryside. They returned very late that night and early the next morning the young Indian was gone. It was later said that the reason for his leaving was the Osage elders advised the boy that his association with Count Porutales was not the right thing to do. Porutales and the Osage boy are depicted on top of Bald Hill northeast of Sand Springs. The stone monument marks an Osage hunting trail.
Images are copyright of The Oklahoma State Senate Historical Preservation Fund, Inc. and the artist. Please contact Matt Duehning at 405-524-0126 or for further copyright information.