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Senate Interim Study

A study of insurance coverage of PANS and PANDAS

Subject First Meeting
Time 4:00am
Location Room 419-C , State Capitol Building
  1. Welcome & Introductions
    Senator Rosino

  2. What are PANS & PANDAS?
    Craig Shimasaki, PhD, MBA, Scientist, University of Oklahoma Professor, and Moleculera Labs Co-Founder, President & CEO

  3. Impact of PANS/PANDAS on a State
    Regena Sanders, Special Education Teacher
    Jill Mitchell, former Principal-Mustang Valley Elementary

  4. Impact of PANS/PANDAS on a Child & Family
    Kevin Boyle, Parent

  5. Impact of Delayed PANS Diagnosis
    Amy Schones, Diagnosed with PANS

  6. Prevention of Long Term Illness
    Amy Cross, Moleculera Labs, Medical Relations Coordinator

  7. Christina Foss, Oklahoma Health Care Authority

  8. Questions and answers


Senator Marty Quinn, Chair
Senator Ron Sharp, Vice-Chair
Senator Michael Brooks
Senator John Haste
Senator Kevin Matthews
Senator John Michael Montgomery
Senator Gary Stanislawski
Senator Brenda Stanley

Studies Requested By

Senator Paul Rosino

Senate Staff

Cate Brantley, Analyst
Cheryl Purvis, Attorney
Quinten Dilbeck, Fiscal Analyst
Mary Savuto, Administrative Assistant

Meeting Related Materials