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Senate Interim Study

Gatekeepers - How to ensure boards and commissions meet their statutory obligation to act in the public’s best interest.

Time 1:00pm
Location , Senate Room 230, State Capitol Building
  1. Description: To study how the board appointment process, investigative process, action or inaction on complaints from the public, legal representation and adequacy of protecting the due process rights of those under investigation impact the ability of a board or commission to carry out its statutory responsibilities.

    1. Regina Burchum, Interim Director, Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency
    2. Mike Davis, Legal Analyst, Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency
    3. Chad Ellis, PhD, Bartlesville
    4. Daniel Gamino, Daniel J. Gamino & Associates, P.C., General Counsel, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
    5. Teanne Rose, Executive Director, State Board of Psychologists
    6. Steven Sternlof, PhD, Chair of the Board, State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
    7. Carolyn Thompson, Legislative Liaison, Office of Attorney General
    8. Elizabeth Fullbright, Lead Investigator, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
    9. Richard L. Zimmer, CMBI, Senior Investigator, State Board of Osteopathic Examiners
    10. Sandra Benischek Harrison, Interim Executive Director, Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision
    11. Susan Rogers, Esq., Executive Director, State Board of Dentistry
    12. Preston Draper, General Counsel, Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training
    13. Other business