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Senate Interim Study

To analyze potential improvements, changes, & reforms so the legislature is more involved in the Administrative Rules process.

Subject IS-2020-05
Time 9:00am
Location , State Capitol Building, Room 230
  1. IS-2020-05 Joint Study To analyze potential improvements, changes, & reforms so the legislature is more involved in the Administrative Rules process.  Requestor: Dahm/Gann

    1. 9:00AM:  Welcome
    2. 9:05AM:  Cara Rodriguez, Glenn Coffee & Associates - The Constitutional Framework of Administrative and Legislative Powers
    3. 9:20AM:  James Broughel, Mercatus Center at George Mason University - The Regulatory Burdens of the Oklahoma Administrative Code
    4. 9:40AM:  Peggy Coe and Chris Coffman, Office of Administrative Rules - Overview of the Oklahoma Administrative Rules Process and Presentation on the Forthcoming Administrative Rules Portal
    5. 10:10AM:  Cara Rodriguez, Glenn Coffee & Associates - Rule, Statute or Executive Action:  Assessing the Proper Channel
    6. 10:30AM:  Representative Tom Gann - Discussion of House Rules
    7. 10:40AM:  Daniel Dew, Pacific Legal Foundation - Administrative Rule Reform Best Practices from Other States
    8. 11:10AM:  James Broughel, Mercatus Center at George Mason University - Further Exploring Reform for Oklahoma
    9. 11:20AM:  Questions and answers
    10. 12:00PM:  Lunch Break