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Statement from Senate Democrat Caucus Chair Kenneth Corn on Death of Clem McSpadden

Sen. Kenneth Corn Sen. Kenneth Corn
Sen Morgan on Clem McSpadden Sen Burrage comments on Clem McSpadden Sen. Corn on death of Clem McSpadden
Sen Burrage comments on Clem McSpadden
Sen. Corn on death of Clem McSpadden

Oklahoma State Senate
Communications Division
State Capitol
Oklahoma City, OK 30
For Immediate Release: July , 200
Sen. Kenneth Corn
Statement from Senate Democrat Caucus Chair Kenneth Corn
on Death of Clem McSpadden Ive known Clem since I first came to the Capitol 0 years ago. He was a strong voice for agriculture and the rural way of life. He was truly a legend in his own time who exhibited the very values that make Oklahoma great. Clem McSpadden was one of Oklahomas last great cowboys. Well miss his steady leadership and presence at the State Capitol and his voice in the rodeo arena. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family for their loss.

Contact info
contact: Senator Corns Office: 0 2