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Statement from Sen. Scott regarding Soon-to-be-Sooners bill

Sen. Paul Scott (R-Duncan) released the following statement regarding his decision to not pursue Senate Bill 40 dealing with the Soon-to-be-Sooners Program.

“I will not be requesting a hearing for SB 40, concerning the Soon-to-be-Sooners Program, this session. It would be futile since Congress has approved funding for the program through 2023. SB 40 was introduced with the intention of addressing our Oklahoma Soon-to-be-Sooners Program. The current program provides free prenatal care and other health care services to expectant mothers, which is a valuable service. My concerns, however, have to do with Oklahoma taxpayers paying for the numerous recipients in the program who are non-documented citizens.

The intention with SB 40 was to simply address the requirements of the program. It was never my intention to prevent any expectant mother from receiving much-needed healthcare. I especially did not intend to eliminate a program that would harm our very own citizens. The intent of the Soon-to-be-Sooners Program was originally designed to provide health care and a path to becoming a documented citizen in Oklahoma.  My intent is to make sure the recipients of these program benefits are fulfilling their part and taking the proper steps to becoming documented citizens.”

Contact info
Sen. Scott: (405) 521-5522