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Senators Breechen, Sykes issue statement on Monday’s committee action on HB 3399

Sen. Josh Brecheen Sen. Josh Brecheen
Sen. Anthony Sykes Sen. Anthony Sykes

Sen. Josh Brecheen and Sen. Anthony Sykes issued the following statement after Monday’s unanimous vote in favor of HB 3399. The two lawmakers are Senate co-authors of the measure, which was approved on a vote of 11-0.

“Again, I want to commend Governor Mary Fallin, Superintendent Janet Barresi, and Senate Education Committee Chairman John Ford who’ve understood the need for higher standards for Oklahoma students. HB 3399 will enable us to actually exceed Common Core, while making sure that those standards are developed and implemented by Oklahomans. I think Monday’s vote shows this was very important to the members of the Senate Education Committee as well.”—Sen. Josh Brecheen, R-Coalgate.

“The unanimous vote on House Bill 3399 sends a strong message that the concerns of our citizens have been heard. This legislation makes sure Oklahomans are developing the standards and assessments we need for our children’s success, while preventing unwanted and unneeded intrusion by the federal government.”—Sen. Anthony Sykes, R-Moore.

Contact info
Sen. Brecheen: (405) 521-5586 Sen. Sykes: (405) 521-5569