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Senator Ikley-Freeman Statement on State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman (D-Tulsa) released the following statement on committee votes regarding the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure:

            “This week in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee I voted against legislation to extend the sunset for the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure for only one year. I was concerned that extending the board’s authorization for only one year would result in too much uncertainty for the board, its employees, and professions licensed by the board. As a therapist, I understand and appreciate the important work of the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure.

            After working with my Senate colleagues, I am pleased the legislation was amended to extend the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure’s authority for four years with a sunset of July 1, 2023.  Extending sunsets for professional licensing boards for four years instead of one year will provide more stability for the professions they regulate. Unfortunately, due to family medical issues, I was unable to attend the vote in the Senate Rules Committee this morning. I support the amended legislation and will work to pass it in the full Senate as soon as possible. ” 

Contact info
Sen. Ikley-Freeman at 405-521-5600 or