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“In God We Trust” has been the United States’ national motto since it was adopted by Congress in 1956 and on U.S. currency since the Civil War. It has been part of America’s national vocabulary since its founding. Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, authored Senate Bill 815 to ensure counties and municipalities can continue displaying it if they want. The measure passed the full Senate 41-5 Thursday.
“I’m proud of the work we’re doing in Oklahoma to ensure that one of the greatest parts of our heritage does not get lost in a cancel culture war. While the phrase wasn’t officially adopted by Congress to be used on our paper currency until 1957, it first appeared on the two-cent piece in 1864,” Bullard said. “The United States of America was founded on Christian principles, which is evident in the fact that God is mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, other government documents and historic buildings. The Declaration of Independence establishes God as the grantor of freedom and government as the protector of that liberty. This heritage has long been protected by the courts and the Oklahoma Legislature will continue to grow and restore that freedom in the coming days. It is only natural for us to look to the past to find guidance for tomorrow.”
SB 815 authorizes the governing bodies of counties and municipalities to display the national motto of the United States in a prominently visible location in any building in their respective custody. The measure provides that such a display may not be construed to mean that the county or municipality favors any religion.
House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, is the principal House author of the measure.
For more information, contact: Sen. Bullard: (405) 521-5586 or