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The Senate has passed a measure creating the Oklahoma Advanced Mobility Pilot Program to further state investment in innovative technologies.
Authored by Sen. Micheal Bergstrom, R-Adair, Senate Bill 1688 would identify local communities for pilot programs for the adoption of advanced mobility technologies, and provide for two grants up to $500,000 each year. The program would become an entity of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
“We must position Oklahoma to be an emerging leader within technological advancements,” Bergstrom said. “Pilot programs generate economic development, and this proposal would offer incentives and additional tools for Oklahoma communities to pursue these programs and encourage investment in important and critical technology infrastructures.”
Both ground transportation and aviation pilot programs would be covered by the measure. All Oklahoma government entities including city, county and tribal governments would be eligible for the program.
The measure now moves to the House of Representatives for further consideration. Speaker of the House Charles McCall, R-Atoka, is the principal House author.
For more information, contact: Sen. Micheal Bergstrom at 405-521-5561, or email
MAKE IT COUNT OKLAHOMA! Census Day is April 1 and Oklahoma needs a full count. An undercount in the census of just 2 percent can cost the state $1.8 billion in lost federal money over the next 10 years. Fill out your census form, Oklahoma. Learn more