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Senate education leaders call out OU for tuition hike

OKLAHOMA CITY – Three Senate education leaders today called on the University of Oklahoma to reconsider the Regents’ decision to raise tuition on students for the third year in a row.

The sharp response from lawmakers is in reaction to the 3% tuition increase the University of Oklahoma Board of Regents approved earlier this week. This is in addition to the increase in 2021 when University of Oklahoma regents approved a 2.75% hike and another 3% increase in tuition for out of state students in 2022.

The tuition increases continue, even after the Legislature pumps more money into higher education. Including this year where higher education received over $1 billion, which represents the largest increase in recent history.

Senate education chairman Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, said the continued tuition hikes are unsustainable for families and kids.

“The higher education system just received the largest increase in appropriations in recent history,” Pugh said. “For any university to turn around and immediately raise tuition on students is absurd. At a time when young adults are considering the value proposition of a degreed program, saddling students and families with more debt increases the likelihood of students seeking alternative pathways for their career. Last year with SB 363, I called for a freeze on tuition and fees for public colleges and universities in Oklahoma. Sadly, that bill stalled. I hope students and parents who are shouldering this burden will call their senators and representatives to begin the conversation surrounding these continuous tuition increases by the universities. At a time when Oklahoma businesses need a skilled and educated workforce more than ever, we should be doing everything in our power to lower the cost of educational attainment, not raise it.”

Sen. Kristen Thompson, R-Edmond, who is the vice chair of the Senate education appropriations subcommittee, said the university’s continued increase in tuition is harmful to increasing the state’s workforce and critical occupations. 

“I was extremely frustrated to see this rate increase less than a month after the Legislature gave higher education a 14.9% increase in its budget," Thompson said. “I am a proud graduate of the University of Oklahoma. I support The University in a variety of ways, and I believe in the value of an education from this institution. However, continuing to raise tuition year after year is unsustainable and an impediment to increasing Oklahoma’s workforce, especially in critical occupations.  As a business owner, if I raise the prices of the services I provide, our customers will look for a more cost effective alternative and go elsewhere. To keep our clientele base strong, we find ways to ensure our services are affordable. I strongly suggest the University of Oklahoma find creative ways to save money over burdening future generations of Oklahomans with more debt.”

Sen. Ally Seifried, R-Claremore, who is the vice chair of the Senate Education Committee, said college is already unaffordable for most kids and continued tuition increases are doing more harm than good.

“Higher education received over $1 billion in this year’s budget,” Seifried said. "If the University of Oklahoma wants to stay competitive and is serious about keeping students in their classrooms, they need to figure out a way to make it more affordable. Increasing tuition three years in a row will not only increase debt for students but dissuade future students from obtaining a higher ed degree at a time when we are experiencing a workforce shortage."  


For more information, contact:  Sen. Pugh: (405) 521-5622 or