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Senate confirms Walker to Eastern Oklahoma State College Board of Regents

The full Senate confirmed Leland Walker to serve a seven-year term to the Eastern Oklahoma State College (EOSC) Board of Regents. The nomination was carried by Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain.

Walker has dedicated his life to the agricultural industry and EOSC, serving as an agronomy instructor for three years and spending 25 years as the Dean of Agriculture. He’s coached eight national champion soil judging teams through the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture and coached the national champion crops judging team in 1989. He was also named the champion soils team coach from the American Society of Agronomy in 2009.

Walker has been recognized for his outstanding achievements in agriculture and education, receiving the Teacher of the Year award at EOSC 13 times, the Teachers of Teachers Bronze Award from the National Vocational Agriculture Teachers’ Association in 1983, and the first EOSC President’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 2010.

He's an avid supporter of the Oklahoma FFA Association, previously serving as an agricultural education instructor, and received his Honorary State FFA Degree from the Oklahoma FFA Association in 1989 and his Honorary American FFA Degree from the National FFA Association in 2012.

“Leland’s dedication to the agriculture industry is obvious in his decades of service to agricultural students and their higher education,” Hamilton said. “I know his passion for Eastern will live through his service on the board, and it was my honor to carry his nomination.”

Walker was nominated to the position by Gov. Kevin Stitt to succeed Loise Washington. His term will begin on June 2.