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Senate Approves Weaver’s Bill Authorizing School Superintendents to Access JOLTS System

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senator Darrell Weaver, R-Moore, received the Senate’s approval for Senate Bill 633 Thursday. The measure authorizes public school superintendents, or a designated district employee, to access data through the Juvenile Online Tracking System (JOLTS), an online record keeping system operated by the Office of Juvenile Affairs.

Under SB 633, school officials would be integrated into the JOLTS database, which links judges, district attorneys, youth service organizations, and other entities that support Oklahoma’s youth, further enhancing school districts’ ability to assist and support students.

“This bill will further our school safety efforts and offer additional protections to students in Oklahoma schools,” Weaver said. “With access to this system, school administration, staff, and school resource officers can work together to more efficiently and effectively gather information and manage situations involving students who may pose a potential threat or those that need additional support.”

Weaver added that the bill is a result of collaboration with Moore Public Schools administrators.

The measure now moves to the House of Representatives for further consideration, where Rep. Jason Blair, R-Moore, is serving as the principal author.


For more information, contact:

Sen. Darrell Weaver at 405-521-5569 or email