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State Senator Kathleen Wilcoxson has won full Senate support for House Bill 32. The measure is aimed at streamlining the process for granting schools exemptions for some state mandates during a financial crisis.
Basically this would allow the State Board of Education to grant an emergency exemption once they declare a financial crisis exists. While schools can currently request exemptions from certain state mandates, it is a lengthy process. This will streamline that process and help schools begin implementing these cost savings much sooner, said Wilcoxson, ROKC.
HB 32, which is coauthored by Wilcoxson and State Representative Larry Ferguson, would allow schools to request exemptions for such things as class size, textbook purchases and alternative education requirements. Others, including bilingual and special education, health and safety requirements, teachers salary, retirement, preparation and certification, as well as school testing programs, are among those that could not be exempted.
Obviously, these would be temporary exemptions only. We do not want to undo any of the progress weve made in public education. But at the same time we need to give schools some flexibility to deal with this financial crisis until the economy improves. Thats what were attempting to do with this bill, said Wilcoxson.
Senator Wilcoxson said HB 32 would now go to a joint HouseSenate conference committee where it will likely be combined with other measures dealing with the same issue.