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Senate approves Hannah McKenzie Act of 2023

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. George Burns, R-Pollard, received unanimous approval Wednesday for a bill aimed at regulating opioid substitution treatment programs. House Bill 2686 is named for Hannah McKenzie, who died of a methadone overdose in 2017.

“Many are unaware of unregulated clinics across the state that dispense methadone. When placed in the hands of the wrong person, this drug can be deadly to anyone it’s sold to or shared with,” Burns said. “I appreciate my colleagues supporting this bill, so no family has to face the same tragedy the McKenzie family has experienced.”

Rep. Rick West, R-Heavener, is the House principal author of the measure.

“This bill is named after a young woman from my House district who died after illegally being given methadone. Her parents have fought for this important change in law to ensure other young people are better protected from such a tragic outcome. I am thankful to see the Senate pass this legislation. It’s been a long fight,” West said.

Mark and Shana McKenzie said they had never even heard of methadone before losing their daughter. Through their extensive advocacy and research, they learned that there is no tracking or oversight at these clinics and advocated for accountability. The couple expressed their gratitude to the members they've worked with on this issue, calling the bill a first step toward addressing the problem.

“We appreciate everyone who has helped us," said Mark McKenzie. "We want our daughter to be remembered. If we can use our tragic situation to help another family not have to suffer the loss of a loved one, whether it be child or parent, that's what we hope to accomplish. Today has been a great day to make a step toward accomplishing that.”

Sen. Paul Rosino, R-Oklahoma City, presented the measure on the Senate floor.

“I was honored to join Senator Burns in presenting his bill,” Rosino said. “It means the world to be able to help the McKenzie family honor their daughter, Hannah.”

HB 2686 now returns to the House for further consideration.


For more information, contact: Sen. George Burns at 405-521-5614 or email