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Senate approves Garvin bills to boost retirement benefits for law enforcement, firefighters

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Jessica Garvin, R-Duncan, on Thursday passed a trio of bills to improve pension benefits for retired police officers, firefighters and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. It’s rare for a senator to pass three major pension reforms during a single legislative session, let alone to pass them off the Senate floor in a single day. 

Officials from local law enforcement and firefighters’ groups say these bills are essential to helping them recruit and retain public safety employees. The full Senate unanimously approved all three of Garvin’s pension bills on Thursday. 

“These reforms are the least we can do as a state to thank retired police officers, firefighters and the Troopers for their service,” Garvin said. “Our men and women in uniform deserve the best and most comprehensive benefits available after spending years protecting Oklahomans.”

SB 102 increases the retirement benefits an officer receives when they retire. 

SB 453 increases pension benefits for volunteer firefighters, who make up an overwhelming majority of the fire personnel in our state. 

SB 631 ensures members of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol who joined after Nov. 1, 2012, would be eligible for the equally robust benefits offered to their predecessors.

Public safety officials resoundingly praised Garvin for her unwavering support for retired police, Troopers, and firefighters. 

Oklahoma Fraternal Order of Police President Mark Nelson said:

“Passing one pension bill in a legislative year is difficult, but this year, on a deadline day, Senator Garvin proved to be a champion for not only every single police officer in this state, but also for every single firefighter in Oklahoma, as well as our friends at the Oklahoma Highway Patrol.

On behalf of the state’s police officers, we are grateful for her work on the most meaningful piece of legislation we’ve had in many years.” 

Oklahoma State Firefighters Association Director Mike Kelly stated:

“The Oklahoma State Firefighters Association appreciates the hard work and perseverance of Senator Jessica Garvin and the Oklahoma Senate for unanimously passing Senate Bill 453. This bill will be a great help in recruiting and retaining volunteer firefighters across our state at a very critical time when wildfires have devastated massive amounts of range land.” 

Oklahoma State Troopers Association President Kevin Crawford added: 

“Garvin is known at the Capitol for her incredible work ethic, her grit, her fearless determination, and her commitment to always doing the right thing for our state. She is a relentless advocate for law enforcement and has proven that, once again, by passing Senate Bill 631. This bill is a game changer for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and will help recruit and retain the dedicated Troopers that protect and defend all four million Oklahomans.

“We are thankful to the entire Senate for their support of this measure, and especially thankful for the hard work Garvin has put in over the last few months to push our priority bill this far. Senate District 43 is fortunate to have her working on their behalf.”


For more information, contact Sen. Jessica Garvin at (405) 521-5522 or