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Sen. Young releases statement on Senate Bill 859

OKLAHOMA CITY Sen. George Young, D-Oklahoma City, released the following statement regarding Senate Bill 859, which was approved by the Senate earlier this week.

“SB 859, which increases the maximum term of imprisonment from two years to five years, as well as the maximum fine from $1,000 to $2,500 for the theft of a firearm, just passed this week. This is the same state that rates, in the Governor’s favorite label, top ten in incarceration of women and in general.  We possess some of the most egregious laws for incarceration and by most accounts have more statutes in effect to put people in jail than most of our surrounding states.

“The measure only received two no votes.  I am hard pressed, based on research readily available, to understand how increasing an already severe penalty and increasing a fine will deter this particular type of crime.  We continue to dig ourselves into a hole with this type of legislation and I can see why. When we have support of 46 out of 48 Senators voting to approve and only two voting against.  I truly understand our wish for a crime free society, a crime free Oklahoma, but I can assure you the individual breaking into a car is not going to think or say, ‘stop, if I steal this gun out of this car, that will add three more years when I am caught and $1,500 more to the fine I can’t pay, put it back.’ This, my fellow Oklahomans, is not smart on crime.”


For more information, contact:

Sen. George Young at 405-521-5531, or email