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OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Jason Smalley will be hosting Lt. Governor Todd Lamb next week as he crosses the state visiting all 77 counties to talk to local business owners, educators, county agencies and citizens.
Lamb will be speaking at Territory Cellars in Stroud from 8:00-9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 13. The public is welcome to attend to discuss state and legislative issues with the state officials.
“I’m honored to get to once again welcome and introduce Lt. Gov. Lamb to the wonderful people and businesses of Seminole, Lincoln and Pottawatomie Counties,” said Smalley, R-Stroud. “I want to encourage everyone to join us in Stroud Tuesday morning. As your elected officials, it’s important that you share your views and concerns with us so that we can take that information back to the state Capitol and together we can continue strengthening our communities and state.”
The Lt. Gov. and senator will then visit with the Seminole Lions Club in the Haney Center at Seminole State College at 12:00 p.m.