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Sen. Scott welcomes citizens to attend Legislative Diabetes Caucus meetings

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the country.  The preventable disease costs the state billions of dollars annually in medical treatment, hospital stays and lost productivity in the workforce. 

To address the growing rate of the disease through legislation, Senate and House members founded the Legislative Diabetes Caucus in 2018.

Sen. Scott and other members are seeking input from local citizens as to how to better address the preventable disease.  The monthly meetings are open to the public. 

“We must be better at educating Oklahomans on prevention and treatment of this horrible disease.  One in eight Oklahomans has it but most don’t realize it or don’t know how to control it,” said Scott, R-Duncan.  “Diabetes is one of the main causes of cost increases in our healthcare system.  This Caucus helps us focus on the newest research, training and treatments to improve and protect the health of Oklahomans. Getting public input is an important part of having the latest data and information to address this growing healthcare crisis.”

The Caucus’ working groups are currently looking at how to –

  1. increase Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPP) and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) programs
  2. increase referrals to DPP and DSME
  3. advocate for increased DPP and DSME reimbursement
  4. define and recognize DPP and DSME for pediatric populations
  5. best advocate for those with Type 1 Diabetes

The next meeting will be Friday, March 8 at 2:00pm in Room 535. You can contact Sen. Scott’s office to get on the meeting notice list.

Contact info
Sen. Scott: (405) 521-5522