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Sen. Scott comments on 2020 Budget Agreement

The Governor along with the House and Senate announced an $8.2 billion budget agreement for FY’20.  Sen. Paul Scott, R-Duncan, released the following statement Wednesday afternoon.

“Today’s budget agreement is historic in many ways. At over $8.2 billion, it is the largest in Oklahoma history. Our state’s economy is the strongest it’s been in more than a decade, which provided us with additional revenue so we could invest more in our teachers and classrooms, transportation infrastructure, criminal justice system and vital state services like public safety and health as well as save for future economic downturns. 

“I’m proud that we were able to compromise to get our hardworking teachers and state employees their second raise in two years.  These individuals are the heartbeat of our state.  State employees keep our state running on a daily basis while teachers shape our future.  These public servants deserve our utmost gratitude and respect for all they do for our state.  These raises are just the beginning.  While this will put Oklahoma first regionally for teacher pay, we will continue to work to improve both theirs and state employees’ compensation and benefits.

“This budget prioritizes education by providing nearly $158 million in new funding for common education.  This will allow districts on the formula to invest more in their classrooms, provide another teacher pay raise and fully fund the third-grade reading initiative for the first time in history.  It’ll also provide much-needed funding to allow local schools to hire additional teachers, counselors, support staff or to address other critical needs in their districts.

“We’re investing more in modernizing state government not only through pay raises but through digital upgrades to enhance transparency and make customer service more efficient and effective.  The Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) will be created to provide the legislature with more in depth agency funding information so we can make more informed budget decisions each year. Funding will also be provided to hire more auditors and increase the capability of the State Auditor’s office to conduct more regular audits of all state agencies. 

“Reforming our state’s criminal justice system was also a top priority. This budget fully funds our District Attorneys so they’ll no longer have to depend so heavily on fees and fines. We’re making critical investments in Smart on Crime programs through the Department of Mental Health as well as the Women in Recovery diversion program to lower incarceration rates and help nonviolent offenders get the help they need to become independent, productive citizens.

“The budget supports new recruitment opportunities through the Quick Action Closing Fund, will increase economic development and job growth in various industries and better support our state’s entrepreneurs and small business owners to further grow Oklahoma. 

“This budget will help improve access to health care around the state and better protect our most vulnerable citizens.  It provides funding for the Graduate Medical Education program to train more physicians for rural hospitals; increases provider rates for physicians, hospitals and nursing homes; preserves Medicaid provider rates through a new preservation fund; decreases the Developmental Disability Services wait list and increases immunizations and staff county health departments statewide.”

Contact info
Sen. Scott: (405) 521-5522