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It’s been 114 years since Oklahoma’s state constitution has been adopted, and State Sen. Nathan Dahm says it’s time the document is carefully reviewed.
The Broken Arrow Republican filed Senate Joint Resolution 26 to allow Oklahoma citizens to decide if a Constitutional Convention to rewrite or revise the state constitution is needed.
“As we begin a new session and hear Governor Stitt’s vision to lead our state to becoming Top 10, we must remember the opportunity we have to set the stage for the success of future generations,” Dahm said. “SJR 26 would call for a state Constitutional Convention allowing us to alter, modify or replace our current constitution with a document to protect the rights and promote the freedoms and liberties of future generations.”
The state constitution mandates that a proposal to hold a Constitutional Convention should be submitted to a vote of the people at least once every 20 years. The last time such a proposal was submitted was 51 years ago in 1970.
“Since first getting elected in 2012, I have constantly advocated for passing a state question regarding our state constitution,” Dahm said. “Not simply because I see room for improvement, but because the constitution requires such a vote of the people every 20 years. We are now decades past the last time this provision in the constitution was faithfully upheld, and I’m hopeful this legislative session we will be allowed to fulfill our oaths to the constitution by voting to send SJR 26 to a vote of the people to let their voices be heard. As Governor Stitt has said –we must look out for our future generations.”