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Sen. Micheal Bergstrom comments on state's new public transit plan

State Sen. Micheal Bergstrom, R-Adair, represented the Senate as vice chairman of the Transportation Committee during the unveiling of the Oklahoma Public Transit Policy Plan (OPTPP) at the state Capitol on Thursday. The plan was crafted by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oklahoma Transit Association (OTA). 

The plan was a result of House Bill 1365 that passed during the 2019 legislative session. 

The passage of House Bill 1365 was the first milestone in moving Oklahoma’s transportation systems forward, and this report will help us make Oklahoma a Top 10 state when it comes to public transit,” Bergstrom said. Public transportation is a critical component of our overall transportation infrastructure. 

“Rural communities like the one I represent have suffered during the COVID-19 crisis, and public transit can be an important component to our economic recovery. The 20-year roadmap developed by ODOT and OTA will help the Senate prioritize meeting the mobility needs of Oklahomans as we debate policies and funding priorities.”

Bergstrom said the state has been in desperate need of a realistic plan that can be implemented to meet the transportation needs of citizens in rural and urban areas across the state, and that the OPTPP is a major step in the right direction.

I’m particularly drawn to the high level of need in the northeastern area of the state that includes Senate District 1,” Bergstrom said. “Public transit, like the Pelivan program in our region, is often the only way to get to life-saving medical appointments and other essential destinations. I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure the appropriate implementation of this plan so all Oklahomans can get from where they are, to where they need to be in a safe, efficient, economical and coordinated fashion.”


CUTLINE: State Sen. Micheal Bergstrom, R-Adair, joins State Rep. Carol Bush, R-Tulsa, during the unveiling of the 20-year Oklahoma Public Transit Policy Plan (OPTPP) at the state Capitol. The plan was created by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oklahoma Transit Association (OTA).