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Sen. Hicks issues statement after release of GOP education agenda

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Carri Hicks issued the following statement Wednesday after Senate Republicans released their 2024 education agenda. The Oklahoma City Democrat serves on the Senate Education Committee. Hicks is a former teacher and holds a master’s degree in early childhood education.

“As a former teacher, I’m working hard to improve education in Oklahoma. We need bipartisan solutions to improve student learning. Education is the most important investment we can make in our future, which is why we all care about putting students first. We know hungry students can’t learn, and one in five students are facing food insecurity. That’s why I’m running legislation to address student hunger. This is just one of the many solutions to the challenges our schools are facing, and I’m committed to real, long-term solutions that will continue to support our educators and students.” – Sen. Carri Hicks, D-Oklahoma City.



For more information, contact:  Sen. Carri Hicks at 405-521-5543 or