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Sen. Hamilton receives top score on Oklahoma Conservative Index

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, received a perfect score on the 2024 Oklahoma Conservative Index. The annual rating by The Oklahoma Constitution evaluates lawmakers' votes on key conservative measures. This year’s rankings were based on support of measures to protect the rights of biological women, combat illegal immigration, avoid wasteful government spending, and more.

“It is an honor to be named among fellow conservative lawmakers in recognition of our work to uphold our state’s values and protect our citizens’ constitutional rights,” Hamilton said. “We have made significant strides to implement common sense policies that protect our God-given rights and move our state forward. I appreciate The Oklahoma Constitution for their work on this report so that Oklahomans can easily see how their legislator voted on critical issues this year and historically.”

Hamilton was one of three Senators, and 13 legislators total, to receive a 100% for votes held during the 2024 legislative session.


For more information, contact:
Sen. Warren Hamilton at 405-521-5604, or email