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Sen. Hamilton applauds governor’s approval of bill prohibiting gender transition procedures for minors

OKLAHOMA CITY— Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, released the following statement Tuesday after the governor signed Senate Bill 613 into law. The legislation prohibits children under the age of 18 from receiving hormone therapy or undergoing a gender transition surgery.

“SB 613 provides needed protection for vulnerable Oklahoma children. These medical procedures are irreversible, and many children may not be old enough to understand the life-altering consequences of gender transition procedures or hormone therapy. I greatly appreciate Governor Stitt for signing this bill into law, as well as the authors and co-authors of the bill who have worked to ensure no child in our state can become a victim of these transition programs. Our state has won today, but we must continue in our fight to protect Oklahoma kids.”


For more information, contact: Sen. Warren Hamilton at 405-521-5604 or email