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Sen. Casey Murdock welcomes Seiling High School freshmen to Capitol

Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt, with the freshmen class from Seiling High School.  The students traveled to the state Capitol on Oct. 17. Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt, with the freshmen class from Seiling High School.  The students traveled to the state Capitol on Oct. 17.
 Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt, talked to visiting Seiling High School freshmen about the Oklahoma Senate.  Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt, talked to visiting Seiling High School freshmen about the Oklahoma Senate.


OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt, welcomed the freshmen class from Seiling High School to the state Capitol on Monday.  Murdock gave the students a brief civics lesson about the upper chamber of the Legislature.


“I’m always very happy to welcome visitors from back home to the Capitol, especially students,” Murdock said.  “I want to thank Seiling teachers Anika Rohla and Braden Estracu for organizing this field trip and giving their students an opportunity to see this beautiful, historic building.”


Rohla teaches English, while Estracu is a history teacher at Seiling High School.


In addition to visiting with the students about the Senate, Murdock also encouraged them to consider paging at the Capitol when they’re a couple of years older.  Primarily aimed at high school juniors and seniors, the Senate page program gives teens an opportunity to spend a week at the state Capitol during the legislative session, assist members and staff, and get a first-hand look at state government.


“We’ve had some great kids from throughout Senate District 27 come page for me here at the Capitol, where they get to attend committees, floor sessions and see how the legislative process works,” Murdock said.  “Today’s students are the leaders of tomorrow, and I applaud their teachers and parents for encouraging them to learn more about the Capitol and their state government.”




For more information, contact:  Sen. Casey Murdock at 405-521-5626 or email