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Sen. Boren responds to governor’s veto of SB 1130

Sen. Mary Boren, D-Norman, released the following statement Wednesday following the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 1130. Boren voted to override the governor’s veto of SB 1130 to balance the power of the executive branch.

“Giving the Health Care Authority complete power over hundreds of millions of health care dollars blocks elected representatives from helping people in our districts.

“The chaos from trying to hold the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority accountable showed us the need for balance of power in state agencies. The lack of legislative engagement by the OTA prevented elected officials in Norman from finding out about plans to build a turnpike. This lack of involvement resulted in millions of dollars being wasted on projects that were illegal and unwanted.

“Similarly, there are health care needs in our communities that warrant attention, and there are elected representatives ready and willing to elevate those needs into the budgeting process. Fortunately, our system of democracy allows the legislature to override the governor’s veto, which we did today. 

“Ideally, this exercise of the balance of power would encourage better collaboration between the legislative and executive branches. My district desperately needs the governor and the Legislature to work together to make the most out of our state, local, tribal, and federal health care dollars. By working together, we can better serve Oklahomans who are on waiting lists to see specialists, are unable to afford necessary prescription drugs, and are going without preventive care and screenings.” 


For more information, contact: Sen. Mary Boren at 405-521-5553 or email