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Sen. Boren questions legality of actions by State Board of Education

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Mary Boren issued a statement Wednesday saying the State Board of Education has continued to ignore state law allowing her to observe executive sessions and questioning whether the superintendent and board members also violated open meetings law.

“It’s disturbing that the superintendent and Board continue to ignore the law that clearly allows legislators to observe their executive sessions, even after Attorney General Gentner Drummond’s office has stated they must. In addition, they did not follow their published agenda. I believe a violation of the Open Meetings Act has occurred, nullifying those votes.

“Following the law is not optional. They can certainly go to court, but they cannot simply choose to ignore the attorney general, as well as the Open Meetings Act, which is aimed at ensuring transparency and integrity in governmental proceedings.” – Sen. Mary Boren, D-Norman.


For more information, contact:  Sen. Mary Boren at 405-521-5553 or