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Pro Tem Treat Comments on House LOFT Investigation

OKLAHOMA CITY – Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, today released the following statement after the Oklahoma House of Representatives announced a Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) investigation into spending at the State Department of Education. 

“Numerous Senators and I have been raising questions about spending and money not being allocated to specific programs the legislature has authorized at the Department of Education,” Pro Tem Treat said. “While Senators will need to recuse themselves from the investigation to avoid a potential conflict of interest if we have to act on the findings, I fully respect Speaker McCall’s desire to move forward with an inquiry and I will not be an impediment. It is my hope the House moves forward expeditiously.  The Senate will stand ready to respond to any of the findings. 

“While this does not follow the original mission or purpose of LOFT, and the Senate was not involved in the initiation of the investigation, the concerns are serious, and the nature of this matter deserves attention. I look forward to the outcome of the House investigation.”

Pro Tem Treat will give authorization to LOFT staff to fully assist as the House conducts this investigation.